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Official repository for Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Terminology (SWEET) Ontologies
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[BUG] something not working in SWEET term resolution #191

Closed graybeal closed 4 years ago

graybeal commented 4 years ago


Trying to access SWEET terms isn't working, at least for the first ontology., for example, gives the result below

Screen Shot 2020-04-30 at 1 45 04 PM
lewismc commented 4 years ago

I can't reproduce this.

carueda commented 4 years ago

Just did some inspection:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                    COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                      NAMES
942770f1d977        mmisw/orr:3.9.3          " run"        3 weeks ago         Up 3 weeks>8080/tcp     orr
7dfdbdd1d6ce        franzinc/agraph:v6.1.1   "/bin/sh -c '/app/ag…"   7 weeks ago         Up 7 weeks>10035/tcp   agraph
3a26e98b3e3c        mongo:3.4.2              "docker-entrypoint.s…"   7 weeks ago         Up 7 weeks>27017/tcp   mongo


$ docker logs -f agraph
[2020-04-30T15:45:45.284 p40 E spawn] Process 'mmiorr instance' raised: 
   writing buffer for #<excl.osi::pipe-writing-simple-stream  
  for output fd 14 @ #x100050f72e2> resulted in error (code 32): Broken pipe.

That's the last piece of output at this point .. Not sure whether it's related and what it means.

Let's try restarting the agraph container:

[cor-admin1@ip-172-31-12-159]$ cd COR
[cor-admin1@ip-172-31-12-159 COR]$ source
[cor-admin1@ip-172-31-12-159 COR]$ docker-compose restart agraph

Yes, that seems to have "fixed" the issue.


("Fixed" at least for this case. A more proper fix, mentioned already a few times on various occasions involves a combination of upgrading AGraph and perhaps tuning up some settings, like timeouts, some of them on the ORR backend itself..)

(btw, this issue was not SWEET-specific, but on the COR isntance in general.)

lewismc commented 4 years ago
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