ESMCI / ccs_config_cesm

CESM CIME Case Control System configuration files
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Seperate config_*xml files by machine. #132

Open jedwards4b opened 7 months ago

jedwards4b commented 7 months ago

@briandobbins suggested this and I think it's a good idea.

The config_*.xml files are large and unwieldy. The proposal is to separate them by machine. So config_machines.xml will contain only the NODENAME_REGEX field for each machine and the rest of the content will be moved to a subdirectory by machine name.

machines/config_machines.xml machines/derecho/config_machines.xml machines/perlmutter/config_machines.xml

etc. I would implement this change in a backward compatible manor so that the current config file format would continue to work. This would also be done for the config_batch.xml file.