ESMCI / cime

Common Infrastructure for Modeling the Earth
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error in timing makefile #4639

Open dudek313 opened 1 month ago

dudek313 commented 1 month ago

commit a488510bc24b981809b3dda5ee7b9809a7fc9616 (HEAD, tag: cime5.6.49


Line 74-75:

jedwards4b commented 4 weeks ago

@dudek313 What is the issue you intended to report herein?

jedwards4b commented 4 weeks ago

I think that I see what you want to do - but I can't read it as written. Please clarify and consider opening a PR with your suggested change.

dudek313 commented 4 weeks ago

Apologies @jedwards4b I was in a bit of a haste.

The makefile has a couple of cp commands that don't have the base path $(GPTL_DIR), so the copy fails.

For example, I think that line 74 should be: cp -p $(GPTL_DIR)/*.$(MOD_SUFFIX) $(SHAREDPATH)/include

What makes me uneasy is that this is supposed to be the production branch so something like that would be caught early. Perhaps this is the time to disclose that I am migrating from a really old version of CESM (1.0.6) ;)

jedwards4b commented 4 weeks ago

The maint-5.6 branch has, as you pointed out, been stable for a very long time. This code has not been a problem for anyone that I am aware of. If you can document an error, providing all of the relevant information to reproduce the error we will be happy to address it.