ESMCI / git-fleximod

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git-fleximod requires an ssh password for cprnc #25

Closed cacraigucar closed 3 months ago

cacraigucar commented 3 months ago

I believe you had said that git-fleximod would address this problem. I'm unable to test this as it remembers my password being provided from ages ago, so I don't know if you've recently fixed this.

@jtruesdal reported that he needed to type in his password for ssh. Any idea on why this might need to be done?

Successfully checked out parallelio /project/amp/jet/collections/CAM_flexi/libraries/parallelio
          parallelio up to date.
Recursively checking out submodules of cime /project/amp/jet/collections/CAM_flexi/cime
Enter passphrase for key '/home/jet/.ssh/id_ed25519': 
e    CIME/non_py/cprnc not checked out, out of sync at tag None, expected tag is v1.0.6
Successfully checked out CIME/non_py/cprnc /project/amp/jet/collections/CAM_flexi/cime/CIME/non_py/cprnc
jedwards4b commented 3 months ago

You can test by doing mv ~/.ssh ~/save.ssh first then running tests then putting back the .ssh directory.

I did find and fix a case where this wasn't working.