ESMG / pyroms

Python tools for the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
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Boundary interactor #28

Open bhattvihang opened 4 years ago

bhattvihang commented 4 years ago

I am am trying to play with boundary interactor. The behaviour appears to be strange. I get no window of the map and boundary points unless I type show() in the command line. Furthermore, I get following error message while running the Yellow Sea grid example.

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)

~/pyroms/examples/Yellow_Sea/ in 33 xp, yp = map(lonp, latp) 34 bry = pyroms.hgrid.BoundaryInteractor(xp, yp, beta, shp=(Mm+3,Lm+3), proj=map) ---> 35 hgrd=bry.grd 36 37 lonv, latv = list(map(hgrd.x_vert, hgrd.y_vert, inverse=True))

AttributeError: 'BoundaryInteractor' object has no attribute 'grd'

Any expert advise will be useful.


Vihang Bhatt