ESMG / pyroms

Python tools for the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
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How to get the PALAU grid nc file? #36

Closed wubizhi closed 3 years ago

wubizhi commented 3 years ago


when i tried to run the Palau_HYCOM in examples folder,i find these is not the definition for the "PALAU1", but it is used in the ""

屏幕快照 2021-05-27 下午4 39 32

but i can't find the definition in the gridid.txt .

屏幕快照 2021-05-27 下午4 41 23

can anyone help me how to get the palau nc file and the definition cell?


kshedstrom commented 3 years ago

The Palau chunk (one of them) is:

id      = PALAU1
name    = PALAU1
grdfile = /import/AKWATERS/kshedstrom/gridpak/Palau/
N       = 50
grdtype = roms
Vtrans  = 4 
theta_s = 7 
theta_b = 2 
Tcline  = 250 

I have a collection of Palau grids and a colleague has since made other, newer ones. I'm afraid we don't have a standard way to get them to you any more. But really, it's a straightforward rectangular grid near the equator. Do you have a grid of your own for your region of interest?