ESMG / pyroms

Python tools for the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
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netcdf: Bad dimension id while running #51

Open met-sree opened 7 months ago

met-sree commented 7 months ago

Dear all, I have created the ROMS grid file using the GridBuilder. In preparation for the initial and boundary conditions, I downloaded all variables (u, v, ssh, temp, and salt) from using the get_hycomGLBa0.08* script. Then I merged all the downloaded data using the "merge_HYCOM_GLBa0.08_daily.ksh" script.

However, I encountered an error while remapping the data ( The error is as follows: Assuming spherical is integer b'T' <class ''> Load geographical grid from file grid shape 30 30 grid shape 30 29 grid shape 29 30 netcdf: Bad dimension id 1742276144 Please provide any suggestions and corrections to resolve this issue.

Thankyou, Srinivas

kshedstrom commented 7 months ago

I suggest that you learn to use the python debugger to get to the bottom of this.

My understanding is that GridBuilder is Windows only, so I have never used it. It's possible that the grid file is somehow different from what pyroms is expecting. Which dimension is giving that id?

Those who developed pyroms have moved on to other careers, other codes.

aiwuyouxi commented 5 months ago

Hello,bro! How did you solve it? I met the same problem 😥 111