ESMValGroup / ESMValCore

ESMValCore: A community tool for pre-processing data from Earth system models in CMIP and running analysis scripts.
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Dataset problem: CMORCheckError for MOHC-HadREM3-GA7-05 CORDEX data. (Wrong latitude and longitude names) #1044

Open thomascrocker opened 3 years ago

thomascrocker commented 3 years ago

Data from the Met Office run CORDEX EUR-11 domain experiments fail CMOR checking:

ERROR Failed to run fix_metadata([<iris 'Cube' of air_temperature / (K) (time: 120; grid_latitude: 412; grid_longitude: 424)>, <iris 'Cube' of air_temperature / (K) (time: 120; grid_latitude: 412; grid_longitude: 424)>, <iris 'Cube' of air_temperature / (K) (time: 120; grid_latitude: 412; grid_longitude: 424)>], {'project': 'CORDEX', 'dataset': 'MOHC-HadREM3-GA7-05', 'short_name': 'tas', 'mip': 'mon', 'frequency': 'mon', 'check_level': <CheckLevels.DEFAULT: 3>})

esmvalcore.cmor.check.CMORCheckError: There were errors in variable tas: Coordinate longitude has var name longitude instead of lon Coordinate latitude has var name latitude instead of lat

Assign the right people If you are already a member of the ESMValTool GitHub project, please assign Valeriu Predoi (valeriupredoi) and Klaus Zimmermann (zklaus) to the issue. They will then check the issue raised and propagate it further to the data model developers. @valeriupredoi @zklaus

Please attach

Cheers :beer:

thomascrocker commented 3 years ago

I think I have developed a fix for this (by creating a module that fixes the var names under /cmor/_fixes in ESMValCore), but I can't push my branch to the repo to open a pull request. Can someone grant me permissions to do so? Is there anything special I need to do?

zklaus commented 3 years ago

Great that you wrote a fix already! I have sent you an email on how to join the team.

thomascrocker commented 3 years ago

OK. PR open. I had a guess at assigning @jvegasbsc for review since he appeared to be the author of similar fixes that were my main inspiration.

zklaus commented 3 years ago

I think that this might not be an error in the original data, but rather a consequence of one of our own earlier fixes :/ We'll have to have another look.