Open axel-lauer opened 5 years ago
To set up the environment modules file we will do the following steps:
## modules Quicklooksystem
set condadir /path/to/conda/environment
proc ModulesHelp { } { global version prefix
puts stderr "\tESMValTool Quicklooksystem\n"
puts stderr "\t\n"
puts stderr "\tATTENTION: Environment for python is changed\n"
} puts stderr "module esmvaltool:\n" puts stderr "\tATTENTION: Environment for python has been changed\n"
module-whatis "ESMValTool Quicklooksystem Environment"
module unload python
prepend-path PATH ${condadir}/bin prepend-path PYTHONPATH ${topdir} setenv UDUNITS2_XML_PATH ${condadir}/share/udunits/udunits2.xml setenv PROJ_LIB ${condadir}/share/proj setenv CONDA_PYTHON_EXE ${condadir}/bin/python
- place this file in central accessible location
- the command from the runscript is then:
module use -a /path/to/modulefile module load NAME_OF_MODULEFILE
Set up framework to call ESMValTool in quicklook mode from within EMAC postprocessing job.