ESMValGroup / ESMValCore

ESMValCore: A community tool for pre-processing data from Earth system models in CMIP and running analysis scripts.
Apache License 2.0
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Recipe test results for ESMValCore v2.11.0rc2 #2468

Closed ehogan closed 1 week ago

ehogan commented 2 weeks ago

Recipe running session 2024-06-27


mamba version

levante5> mamba --version
mamba 1.5.8
conda 24.5.0

ESMValTool version

levante5> esmvaltool version
ESMValCore: 2.11.0rc2
ESMValTool: 2.11.0.dev100+ga176bfca2.d20240627

Recipe running session 2024-07-01 10:33:01.466478

Recipes that ran successfully (138 out of 161)

Click to expand - recipe_albedolandcover.yml - recipe_anav13jclim.yml - recipe_arctic_ocean.yml - recipe_autoassess_landsurface_permafrost.yml - recipe_autoassess_landsurface_soilmoisture.yml - recipe_autoassess_landsurface_surfrad.yml - recipe_autoassess_stratosphere.yml - recipe_bock20jgr_fig_1-4.yml - recipe_bock20jgr_fig_6-7.yml - recipe_bock20jgr_fig_8-10.yml - recipe_capacity_factor.yml - recipe_check_obs.yml - recipe_climate_change_hotspot.yml - recipe_climate_patterns.yml - recipe_climwip_brunner20esd.yml - recipe_climwip_test_basic.yml - recipe_climwip_test_performance_sigma.yml - recipe_clouds_bias.yml - recipe_clouds_ipcc.yml - recipe_cmug_h2o.yml - recipe_combined_indices.yml - recipe_concatenate_exps.yml - recipe_consecdrydays.yml - recipe_correlation.yml - recipe_cvdp.yml - recipe_daily_era5.yml - recipe_deangelis15nat.yml - recipe_deangelis15nat_fig1_fast.yml - recipe_decadal.yml - recipe_diurnal_temperature_index.yml - recipe_eady_growth_rate.yml - recipe_ecs.yml - recipe_ecs_scatter.yml - recipe_ensclus.yml - recipe_era5-land.yml - recipe_esacci_lst.yml - recipe_esacci_oc.yml - recipe_extract_shape.yml - recipe_extreme_events.yml - recipe_extreme_index.yml - recipe_eyring06jgr.yml - recipe_flato13ipcc_figure_914.yml - recipe_flato13ipcc_figure_924.yml - recipe_flato13ipcc_figure_942.yml - recipe_flato13ipcc_figure_945a.yml - recipe_flato13ipcc_figure_96.yml - recipe_flato13ipcc_figure_98.yml - recipe_flato13ipcc_figures_926_927.yml - recipe_flato13ipcc_figures_92_95.yml - recipe_flato13ipcc_figures_938_941_cmip3.yml - recipe_flato13ipcc_figures_938_941_cmip6.yml - recipe_galytska23jgr.yml - recipe_gier2020bg.yml - recipe_globwat.yml - recipe_heatwaves_coldwaves.yml - recipe_hydro_forcing.yml - recipe_hyint.yml - recipe_hyint_extreme_events.yml - recipe_hype.yml - recipe_iht_toa.yml - recipe_impact.yml - recipe_ipccwg1ar6ch3_fig_3_42_b.yml - recipe_ipccwg1ar6ch3_fig_3_43.yml - recipe_ipccwg1ar6ch3_fig_3_9.yml - recipe_julia.yml - recipe_kcs.yml - recipe_landcover.yml - recipe_lauer13jclim.yml - recipe_lauer22jclim_fig1_clim.yml - recipe_lauer22jclim_fig1_clim_amip.yml - recipe_lauer22jclim_fig2_taylor.yml - recipe_lauer22jclim_fig2_taylor_amip.yml - recipe_lauer22jclim_fig6_interannual.yml - recipe_lauer22jclim_fig7_seas.yml - recipe_lauer22jclim_fig8_dyn.yml - recipe_lauer22jclim_fig9-11c_pdf.yml - recipe_li17natcc.yml - recipe_lisflood.yml - recipe_marrmot.yml - recipe_martin18grl.yml - recipe_meehl20sciadv.yml - recipe_model_evaluation_basics.yml - recipe_model_evaluation_clouds_clim.yml - recipe_model_evaluation_clouds_cycles.yml - recipe_model_evaluation_precip_zonal.yml - recipe_modes_of_variability.yml - recipe_monitor.yml - recipe_monitor_with_refs.yml - recipe_mpqb_xch4.yml - recipe_multimodel_products.yml - recipe_my_personal_diagnostic.yml - recipe_ncl.yml - recipe_ocean_Landschuetzer2016.yml - recipe_ocean_bgc.yml - recipe_ocean_example.yml - recipe_ocean_ice_extent.yml - recipe_ocean_multimap.yml - recipe_ocean_quadmap.yml - recipe_ocean_scalar_fields.yml - recipe_pcrglobwb.yml - recipe_perfmetrics_CMIP5.yml - recipe_perfmetrics_CMIP5_4cds.yml - recipe_perfmetrics_land_CMIP5.yml - recipe_preprocessor_test.yml - recipe_psyplot.yml - recipe_pv_capacity_factor.yml - recipe_python.yml - recipe_python_for_CI.yml - recipe_quantilebias.yml - recipe_r.yml - recipe_radiation_budget.yml - recipe_rainfarm.yml - recipe_runoff_et.yml - recipe_schlund20jgr_gpp_abs_rcp85.yml - recipe_schlund20jgr_gpp_change_1pct.yml - recipe_schlund20jgr_gpp_change_rcp85.yml - recipe_sea_surface_salinity.yml - recipe_seaborn.yml - recipe_seaice.yml - recipe_seaice_drift.yml - recipe_seaice_feedback.yml - recipe_shapeselect.yml - recipe_smpi.yml - recipe_smpi_4cds.yml - recipe_snowalbedo.yml - recipe_spei.yml - recipe_tcr.yml - recipe_thermodyn_diagtool.yml - recipe_toymodel.yml - recipe_validation.yml - recipe_validation_CMIP6.yml - recipe_variable_groups.yml - recipe_weigel21gmd_figures_13_16.yml - recipe_wenzel16jclim.yml - recipe_wenzel16nat.yml - recipe_wflow.yml - recipe_williams09climdyn_CREM.yml - recipe_zmnam.yml

Recipes that failed because the diagnostic script failed (3 out of 161)

Recipes that failed because of missing data (4 out of 161)

Recipes that failed because the run took too long (8 out of 161)

Recipes that failed because they used too much memory (2 out of 161)

Recipes that failed of other reasons or are still running (6 out of 161)

ehogan commented 1 week ago

My intension is to push to get the PRs for and merged asap (hopefully today), then add all other recipes to list of broken recipes, see, so I can complete the release today / tomorrow.

@ESMValGroup/technical-lead-development-team, any objections to this? 🤔

ehogan commented 1 week ago

ESMValCore v2.11.0 has been released, and all outstanding issues are detailed in their own issues, so closing this issue 👍

valeriupredoi commented 1 week ago

tiptop work Emma and the Release Boys :beer: