ESMValGroup / ESMValTool

ESMValTool: A community diagnostic and performance metrics tool for routine evaluation of Earth system models in CMIP
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Investigate slurm `--ntasks` and ESMValTool's `MAX_PARALLEL_TASKS` for RTW #3655

Open ehogan opened 2 weeks ago

ehogan commented 2 weeks ago

During the overview of the RTW at the workshop, @bouweandela suggested that the following line in, e.g. esmvaltool/utils/recipe_test_workflow/recipe_test_workflow/site/metoffice.cylc was incorrect:

            --ntasks = {{ MAX_PARALLEL_TASKS }}

It's true that I am perhaps confused about this (see #3569), so it would be great to understand what the slurm --ntasks means and what ESMValTool's MAX_PARALLEL_TASKS means.

bouweandela commented 2 weeks ago

While these two both have the word 'tasks' in them, they are unrelated.