ESPD / ESPD-Service

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KvK number is filled in for the VAT number after reloading the xml #32

Closed kleterpe closed 8 years ago

kleterpe commented 8 years ago

As an entrepreneur, you can enter a rsinnr or KvKnr in the ESPD. If only the VAT number (rsinnr) is left blank and the KvKnr national number is filled in, then it goes in the first time to fill properly. If you load the answer (XML), then the KvK number is filled in for the VAT number.

virgiliu-ratoi-ec-ext commented 8 years ago

it's true, because we use two espd-cac:EconomicOperatorParty.cac:Party.cac:PartyIdentification elements with no way of telling which one is the VAT number and which one is the national number.

virgiliu-ratoi-ec-ext commented 8 years ago

as of this version (2016.08), the ID element inside the PartyIdentification element makes use of these two 'schemeID' attributes to distinguish between the VAT number and national number:

There is still code that first tries to use the old broken approach (without using the schemeID, for backwards compatibility) so the old ESPDs should be regenerated to be conform with the latest format.