ESPboy-edu / ESPboy_Sub1GHzInspector

Play with Sub1Ghz signals (300-348MHz, 387-464MHz, 779-928MHz). Scan, decode, store. Garage doors, barriers, IoT sensors...
111 stars 8 forks source link

Project cannot be compiled #6

Closed JohnPheby closed 5 months ago

JohnPheby commented 5 months ago

The ESPboy_Sub1GHzInspector project cannot be compiled in ArduinoIDE, the Adafruit_MCP23017 library does not match, new #include //GPIO extender (buttons and more) mcp.begin(MCP23017address); 'class Adafruit_MCP23X17' has no member named 'begin' change to begin_I2C mcp.pullUp(i, HIGH); 'class Adafruit_MCP23X17' has no member named 'pullUp' also fails if you comment it out. uint8_t ESPboyInit::getKeys() { return (~mcp.readGPIOAB() & 255); } qualified-id in declaration before '(' token ESPboy FIRST TEST - Adafruit libs does not compile similarly. void loop(){ a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token

ESPboy-edu commented 5 months ago

Hi. Please use recommended Arduino IDE libs to work with the ESPboy