Open Kynneb opened 6 years ago
+1 for own transformation file
Would be my favourite, too.
Second question: Where to put those file(s)? In esrocos the way to go would be to have components developed individually in a singular project and then integrate them in a different project. In that case it would make sense to add a transformations file to each component and additional configuration (static transforms?) in the integration project. That would mean finding those files (via dependency list, presumably) and parsing them together.
But this leads to the question what is with (legacy / third party) components which don't bring such a file. Answer could either be to add that locally or to add the missing information to the integration projects transforms file.
Alternatively modelling could be done completely in one central file which would avoid the need for searching but decreases re-usability.
I would prefer a centralized non-intrusive file. And this wouldn't exclude the possibility to support multiple files which can be merged by the parser.
Let's start with a centralized file and see if / when it makes sense to extract information to individual files.
I find the idea of having transformation provisions/requirements documented that way intriguing, but I agree that it should not be a requirement.
+1 for own configuration file
rock has the ability to provide annotations on component level already. We should support that. I'll provde an example how this looks in rock.
Another question is where to place the annotations. Possibilities include