Create skilltree functionality where users can explore dummy content of the skill tree.
[Design Specification](#Link to github issue)
- 10 months of school & 3 weeks of school holidays = 40 weeks
- 1 lesson of 1.5 hours per week
=> 40 lessons with 60 hours of lesson material
* Create `Lesson Repository Format`
* (required lessons, title, description, video link, icon, duration, content, ...)
* Create 10 dummy lessons on `esova organization` to fill skilltree
* Use Github API to fetch lessons information
* Create static `/skilltree` page using `E1`
* Create `/skilltree` interaction (hover, popup, ...)
* *Not Logged In User*
* Sees first signup lesson and can start it, others he can only see
* *Logged In User*
* fetch `user progress` from `esova backend`
* fetch `skilltree statistics` from `esova backend`
* draw `skilltree` according to `user progress`
* (he follows esova repo & everyone who follows esova)
* if user returns to esova, check new users and repos and follow them too
"Skilltree Frontend"DESCRIPTION
Complexity Points
~ 192 ÐPrice
~ 1200 €DONE WORK
Complexity Points
0 ÐPrice
Improvement Requests