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Implement new evaluate_normality() method: 'consensus' #76

Closed ETA444 closed 6 months ago

ETA444 commented 8 months ago

Title: Implementing Consensus Method for Normality Assessment

Description: This update introduces a consensus method for evaluating the normality of data distribution, leveraging multiple normality tests including the Shapiro-Wilk test, Anderson-Darling test, D'Agostino-Pearson test, and Lilliefors test. The consensus method aggregates the results of these tests to provide a robust conclusion regarding the normality of the dataset. By requiring more than 50% agreement among the tests, the consensus approach enhances the reliability of normality assessments, particularly in cases where individual tests may yield conflicting results.

Example Usage:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Load example dataset
data = {
    'Group': np.random.choice(['A', 'B', 'C'], 100),
    'Data': np.random.normal(0, 1, 100)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Evaluate normality using the consensus method
normality_results = evaluate_normality(df, 'Data', 'Group', method='consensus')

Expected Outcome: By employing the consensus method, users can obtain a comprehensive assessment of the normality of their dataset. The consensus approach considers the collective results of multiple normality tests, providing greater confidence in the determination of whether the data follows a normal distribution. The integration of the consensus method enhances the reliability and robustness of the normality assessment process, facilitating more informed statistical analyses and decision-making.

Additional Context: The addition of the consensus method to the normality assessment module enhances its capability to provide accurate and reliable evaluations of data normality. By combining the results of multiple normality tests, the consensus approach offers a more nuanced understanding of the distribution characteristics of the dataset. This update underscores our commitment to delivering advanced statistical tools that empower users to conduct rigorous analyses and draw meaningful insights from their data.

ETA444 commented 6 months ago

Implementation Summary:

The 'consensus' method in the evaluate_normality() function combines the results of multiple normality tests to reach a consensus decision on the normality of a numeric variable within groups defined by a categorical variable. The function uses several well-known tests (Shapiro-Wilk, Anderson-Darling, D'Agostino-Pearson, and Lilliefors) and aggregates their results to decide if the data is normal.

Code Breakdown:

  1. Shapiro-Wilk Test:

    • Purpose: Perform the Shapiro-Wilk test and record results.
    if method in ['shapiro', 'consensus']:
       shapiro_stats = [shapiro(df[df[grouping_variable] == group][target_variable]).statistic for group in groups]
       shapiro_pvals = [shapiro(df[df[grouping_variable] == group][target_variable]).pvalue for group in groups]
       shapiro_normality = [p > 0.05 for p in shapiro_pvals]
       shapiro_info = {group: {'stat': shapiro_stats[n], 'p': shapiro_pvals[n], 'normality': shapiro_normality[n]} for n, group in enumerate(groups)}
       output_info['shapiro'] = shapiro_info
       normality_info['shapiro_group_consensus'] = all(shapiro_normality)
    • Explanation:
      • For each group, the Shapiro-Wilk test is conducted to assess normality.
      • The statistic, p-value, and normality (boolean) results are stored.
      • The output and normality consensus information for Shapiro-Wilk are recorded.
  2. Anderson-Darling Test:

    • Purpose: Perform the Anderson-Darling test and record results.
    if method in ['anderson', 'consensus']:
       anderson_stats = [anderson(df[df[grouping_variable] == group][target_variable]).statistic for group in groups]
       anderson_critical_values = [anderson(df[df[grouping_variable] == group][target_variable]).critical_values[2] for group in groups]
       anderson_normality = [c_val > anderson_stats[n] for n, c_val in enumerate(anderson_critical_values)]
       anderson_info = {group: {'stat': anderson_stats[n], 'p': anderson_critical_values[n], 'normality': anderson_normality[n]} for n, group in enumerate(groups)}
       output_info['anderson'] = anderson_info
       normality_info['anderson_group_consensus'] = all(anderson_normality)
    • Explanation:
      • For each group, the Anderson-Darling test is conducted.
      • The statistic, critical value, and normality (boolean) results are stored.
      • The output and normality consensus information for Anderson-Darling are recorded.
  3. D'Agostino-Pearson Test:

    • Purpose: Perform the D'Agostino-Pearson test and record results.
    if method in ['normaltest', 'consensus']:
       normaltest_stats = [normaltest(df[df[grouping_variable] == group][target_variable]).statistic for group in groups]
       normaltest_pvals = [normaltest(df[df[grouping_variable] == group][target_variable]).pvalue for group in groups]
       normaltest_normality = [p > 0.05 for p in normaltest_pvals]
       normaltest_info = {group: {'stat': normaltest_stats[n], 'p': normaltest_pvals[n], 'normality': normaltest_normality[n]} for n, group in enumerate(groups)}
       output_info['normaltest'] = normaltest_info
       normality_info['normaltest_group_consensus'] = all(normaltest_normality)
    • Explanation:
      • For each group, the D'Agostino-Pearson test is conducted.
      • The statistic, p-value, and normality (boolean) results are stored.
      • The output and normality consensus information for D'Agostino-Pearson are recorded.
  4. Lilliefors Test:

    • Purpose: Perform the Lilliefors test and record results.
    if method in ['lilliefors', 'consensus']:
       lilliefors_stats = [lilliefors(df[df[grouping_variable] == group][target_variable])[0] for group in groups]
       lilliefors_pvals = [lilliefors(df[df[grouping_variable] == group][target_variable])[1] for group in groups]
       lilliefors_normality = [p > 0.05 for p in lilliefors_pvals]
       lilliefors_info = {group: {'stat': lilliefors_stats[n], 'p': lilliefors_pvals[n], 'normality': lilliefors_normality[n]} for n, group in enumerate(groups)}
       output_info['lilliefors'] = lilliefors_info
       normality_info['lilliefors_group_consensus'] = all(lilliefors_normality)
    • Explanation:
      • For each group, the Lilliefors test is conducted.
      • The statistic, p-value, and normality (boolean) results are stored.
      • The output and normality consensus information for Lilliefors are recorded.
  5. Consensus:

    • Purpose: Combine results from all tests to reach a consensus decision.
    if method == 'consensus':
       true_count = [group_normality_consensus for group_normality_consensus in normality_info.values()].count(True)
       false_count = [group_normality_consensus for group_normality_consensus in normality_info.values()].count(False)
       half_point = len(normality_info) / 2
       if true_count > half_point:
           consensus_percent = (true_count / len(normality_info)) * 100
           normality_consensus_result = f"  ➡ Result: Consensus is reached.\n  ➡ {consensus_percent}% of tests suggest Normality."
           normality_consensus = True
       elif true_count < half_point:
           consensus_percent = (false_count / len(normality_info)) * 100
           normality_consensus_result = f"  ➡ Result: Consensus is reached.\n  ➡ {consensus_percent}% of tests suggest Non-Normality."
           normality_consensus = False
           normality_consensus_result = "  ➡ Result: Consensus is not reached. (50% Normality / 50% Non-normality)"
           normality_consensus = all([normality_info['shapiro_group_consensus'], normality_info['anderson_group_consensus']])
       print(f"< NORMALITY TESTING: CONSENSUS >\n{normality_consensus_result}\n")
       return output_info if not pipeline else normality_consensus
    • Explanation:
      • The logic is that more than half of the tests must indicate normality for the consensus to be True.
      • The proportion of tests indicating normality is used to generate the consensus decision.
      • The function prints the consensus results and returns either detailed output or a boolean based on the pipeline parameter.

Link to Full Code: