When Window Frames are disabled there is no visual feedback within Widgets anymore.
To reproduce this behavior you can do the following steps:
1) Add a new Window Widget
2) Add a Fader Widget within the Window Widget
3) Disable Window Frames
4) Move the Fader: There is no highlight and no visual feedback anymore
Interesting is that changes still trigger OSC packets.
To get rid of this behavior von can switch to another Tab of this Window Widget and switch back to the original one.
I verified this with OSCWidgets v0.9 running on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.
The macOS version works fine!
When Window Frames are disabled there is no visual feedback within Widgets anymore.
To reproduce this behavior you can do the following steps:
1) Add a new Window Widget 2) Add a Fader Widget within the Window Widget 3) Disable Window Frames 4) Move the Fader: There is no highlight and no visual feedback anymore
Interesting is that changes still trigger OSC packets.
To get rid of this behavior von can switch to another Tab of this Window Widget and switch back to the original one.
I verified this with OSCWidgets v0.9 running on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. The macOS version works fine!
Does anybody have an idea how to fix this?