It would be great if there was a way to reset all the labels/toggle states via an osc command, I note that "clear OSC labels" menu item clears the labels but doesn't yet reset the toggle states, if this could be extended to do that and the function call-able by OSC (I suppose you could enter an OSC command somewhere) it would be lovely - it might be nice to also have a "reset" field for each control, so a control can be individually reset remotely?
It would be great if there was a way to reset all the labels/toggle states via an osc command, I note that "clear OSC labels" menu item clears the labels but doesn't yet reset the toggle states, if this could be extended to do that and the function call-able by OSC (I suppose you could enter an OSC command somewhere) it would be lovely - it might be nice to also have a "reset" field for each control, so a control can be individually reset remotely?