ETHZ-RobotX / SuperMegaBot

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rosdep error reported #11

Closed breadli428 closed 3 years ago

breadli428 commented 3 years ago

Screenshot from 2021-07-03 23-17-14


As shown, there are some errors reported when executing rosdep... I tried to look into the source lists written in 20-default.list, indeed the reported variables are not defined there.

Fortunately this did not cause any problem during the preparation. I am not sure if this is normal therefore I am reporting it here. It would be super appreciated if you can inform how to deal with it.

Thanks as always.

Best, Chenhao

mantelt commented 3 years ago

Hi Chenhao,

this question was already raised before:

In the end, the goal is to successfully build

If you achieve that, you don't need to bother about the missing dependencies of other packages you don't actually need for summer school.

I hope this clarifies things. Best, Thomas

breadli428 commented 3 years ago

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the quick reply. This error reported by rosdep was exactly what caused the failure of building smb_slam during my first attempt (solved later by updating the repo), so it made me concerned on to what extend it affects.

But thanks for pointing out all we need eventually which helps a lot in understanding the whole structure.

Best, Chenhao