ETHZ-RobotX / SuperMegaBot

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Install dependencies with rosdep #23

Closed rnitin closed 2 years ago

rnitin commented 2 years ago


I got the following errors while running the Core Software Setup in the rosdep install step. I was not able to find the packages on apt install as well. However, I went on to build the smb_gazebo, smb_path_planner and smb_slam packages with catkin which succeeded. The Gazebo simulations launch and I am able to use both tele-op and 2D navigation goal tool in Rviz. So if the rosdep errors can be ignored, please let me know.

Thanks, Nitin

$ rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src --os=ubuntu:focal -r -y
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved
to system dependencies:
ocs2_raisim_ros: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
ocs2_double_integrator: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
ocs2_robotic_tools: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
ocs2_ballbot: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
smb_sensors: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [versavis]
ocs2_quadrotor: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ocs2_robotic_assets]
ocs2_pinocchio_interface: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
ocs2_ballbot_ros: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ocs2_robotic_assets]
ocs2_double_integrator_ros: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ocs2_robotic_assets]
ocs2_mobile_manipulator: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ocs2_robotic_assets]
ocs2_mobile_manipulator_ros: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ocs2_robotic_assets]
ocs2_qp_solver: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
ocs2_cartpole: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
ocs2_legged_robot_ros: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ocs2_robotic_assets]
ocs2_quadrotor_ros: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ocs2_robotic_assets]
ocs2_cartpole_ros: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ocs2_robotic_assets]
ocs2_self_collision: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
ocs2_raisim_core: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
ocs2_oc: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
ocs2_legged_robot: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ocs2_robotic_assets]
smb_navigation: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [traversability_estimation]
ocs2_python_interface: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
ocs2_frank_wolfe: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [libglpk-dev]
ocs2_self_collision_visualization: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
ocs2_core: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
ocs2_legged_robot_raisim: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
ocs2_ros_interfaces: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
ocs2_mpc: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
ocs2_sphere_approximation: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ocs2_robotic_assets]
ocs2_centroidal_model: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ocs2_robotic_assets]
smb_mpc: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ocs2_comm_interfaces]
icp_localization: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ros-noetic-tf2-geometry]
smb_msf: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [msf_updates]
ocs2_ddp: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [cmake_clang_tools]
smb_lowlevel_controller: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [message_logger]
Continuing to install resolvable dependencies...
#All required rosdeps installed successfully
daBaret commented 2 years ago

Hi Nitin, thank you for reaching out. We are aware of this errors and you can ignore them. This dependencies are not present in the official repository of ROS and for that reason rosdep is not able to install them. We are anyway not using the packages listed there so you don't have to worry :)

Hope it helped. Have a nice day, Davide

rnitin commented 2 years ago

Thanks for clarifying, Davide!