ETHZ-RobotX / SuperMegaBot

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teleop_twist_keyboard issue #38

Closed erencanbulut closed 12 months ago

erencanbulut commented 12 months ago

I am not able to move the robot because of the following issue:


daBaret commented 12 months ago

Hi, Did you get any error in the upper terminal? You are probably missing twist_mux. Please check with sudo apt install ros-noetic-twist-mux

erencanbulut commented 12 months ago

Hello, unfortunately it is not solved. I do not think the problem is about the twist_mux

Upper Terminal:

[ERROR] [1688669003.309345017]: Couldn't open joystick /dev/input/js0. Will retry every second. [Err] [] Missing model.config for model "/home/roboteer/catkin_ws/src/smb_ws/src/core/smb_gazebo/include" [Err] [] Missing model.config for model "/home/roboteer/catkin_ws/src/smb_ws/src/core/smb_gazebo/launch" [Err] [] Missing model.config for model "/home/roboteer/catkin_ws/src/smb_ws/src/core/smb_gazebo/src" [Err] [] Missing model.config for model "/home/roboteer/catkin_ws/src/smb_ws/src/core/smb_gazebo/worlds"

shobhitsinghal1 commented 12 months ago

Hello Erencan To me it looks like the twist teleop keyboard is not running in the right namespace. Please use the keyboard_teleop:=true parameter in the smb.launch launch file. That should already start the keyboard teleop in the same terminal.

erencanbulut commented 12 months ago


I have already tried it before. It didn’t work.

erencanbulut commented 12 months ago

I forgot to put the correct cmdvel topic name. Here is the solution:

$ rostopic list | grep cmd # /control/opc/cmd_vel $ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard /cmd_vel:=/control/opc/cmd_vel