ETPartners / b2mmlv7beta

b2mmlv7beta for review
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Add XSD ComplexType name "SpatialDefinitionFormatType" to Common.xsd as enumerations to align to updated 950002, Clause 5.2 #58

Closed factoryiq closed 4 years ago

factoryiq commented 5 years ago

Background In Common Schema, Issue #57 changed complexType name="SpatialDefinitionType" by changing "Format" element from IdentifierType to "SpatialDefinitionFormatType". This issue Adds SpatialDefinitionFormatType as a list of enumerations comply and align to updated ISA-950002, Clause 5.2 Spatial definitions, Table 19 - Attributes of spatial definition and Example 4 values.

Supporting Documents ISA-950002 JWG5 CDV01 version (2019 12) Clause 5.2 Spatial definitions, Table 19 - Attributes of spatial definition Example 4. List of Possible Defined Values.

Impacted Types and Solution B2MML-Common.xsd, "SpatialDefinitionType"

  1. To align with B2MML Design method for doing enumerations, Updated common.xsd by moving SpatialFormatDataType to a new location based on alphabetic order of type name.
  3. ADD: complexType name="SpatialDefinitionFormatType"
  4. ADD: See below for complete xsd. complexType name="SpatialDefinitionFormatType" complexType name="SpatialDefinitionFormat1Type"

950002 Example 4 defines the 8 common format types that are used across 95% of market as spatial data identification standards. These include WKT, WKB, GML, KML, GPX, GeoJSON, SVG, and other. The documentation of these types are listed below in the XSD schema complex type.

The Spatial Format Enumeration Data Types are as follows:

  1. WKT - Well Known Text ! markup language defined in the ISO/IEC 13249-3:2011 Standard
  2. WKB - Well Known Binary ! representation of WKT defined in the ISO/IEC 13249-3:2011 Standard
  3. GML - Geography markup language - OpenGIS Geography Markup Language Encoding Standard
  4. KML - Keyhole markup language - KML 2.2 defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
  5. GPX - GPS exchange format data used from mobile devices.
  6. GeoJSON - Geographical format for spatial data in JSON format.
  7. SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics in XML with 2D and 3D lines, poly lines, or solid objects.
   <xsd:complexType name="SpatialDefinitionFormat1Type">
        <xsd:restriction base="CodeType">
        <xsd:enumeration value="WKT"/> <!--Well-Known Text ISO/IEC 13249-3:2011 Standard -->  
            <xsd:enumeration value="WKB"/> <!--Well-Known Binary ISO/IEC 13249-3:2011 Standard --> 
                <xsd:enumeration value="GML"/> <!--Geographical Markup Language  --> 
                <xsd:enumeration value="KML"/> <!--Keyhole Markup Language  --> 
                <xsd:enumeration value="GPX"/> <!--GPS Exchange Format  --> 
                <xsd:enumeration value="GeoJSON"/> <!--Geographical JSON 1.0 Format  --> 
                <xsd:enumeration value="SVG"/> <!--Scalable Vector Graphics XML 2D or 3D format -->
        <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/> <!--Other undefined Spatial Unknown format --> 
    <!--     --> 

    <xsd:complexType name="SpatialDefinitionFormatType">
For the SpatialDefintionType, the Spatial Definition Format element's Enumeration types as defined in ISAS-950002 commom object models as Spatial data definitions.    -->
                        <xsd:extension base="SpatialDefnitionFormat1Type">
                        <xsd:attribute name="OtherValue" type="xsd:string"/>
CharlieG021163 commented 5 years ago

To align with B2MML Design method for doing enumerations, Updated common schema Moved SpatialFormatDataType to location in Common schema in alphabetic order of type name. CHANGED: TO: ADD: complexType name="SpatialDefnitionFormatType">

racheliurui commented 4 years ago

Agree with this change

vitalJP commented 4 years ago

Copy of Original Issue Comment with Related Issue References: #57 and #81 Background In Common Schema, Issue #57 changed complexType name="SpatialDefinitionType" by changing "Format" element from IdentifierType to "SpatialDefinitionFormatType". This issue Adds SpatialDefinitionFormatType as a list of enumerations comply and align to updated ISA-950002, Clause 5.2 Spatial definitions, Table 19 - Attributes of spatial definition and Example 4 values.

Supporting Documents 950002 Clause 5.2 Spatial definitions, Table 19 - Attributes of spatial definition Example 4. List of Possible Defined Values.

Impacted Types and Solution B2MML-Common.xsd, "SpatialDefinitionType"

  1. To align with B2MML Design method for doing enumerations, Updated common.xsd by moving SpatialFormatDataType to a new location based on alphabetic order of type name.
  3. ADD: complexType name="SpatialDefnitionFormatType"
  4. ADD: See below for complete xsd. complexType name="SpatialDefnitionFormatType" complexType name="SpatialDefnitionFormat1Type"

950002 Example 4 defines the 8 common format types that are used across 95% of market as spatial data identification standards. These include WKT, WKB, GML, KML, GPX, GeoJSON, SVG, and other. The documentation of these types are listed below in the XSD schema complex type.

The Spatial Format Enumeration Data Types are as follows:

  1. WKT - Well Known Text ! markup language defined in the ISO/IEC 13249-3:2011 Standard
  2. WKB - Well Known Binary ! representation of WKT defined in the ISO/IEC 13249-3:2011 Standard
  3. GML - Geography markup language - OpenGIS Geography Markup Language Encoding Standard
  4. KML - Keyhole markup language - KML 2.2 defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
  5. GPX - GPS exchange format data used from mobile devices.
  6. GeoJSON - Geographical format for spatial data in JSON format.
  7. SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics in XML with 2D and 3D lines, poly lines, or solid objects.
   <xsd:complexType name="SpatialDefnitionFormat1Type">
        <xsd:restriction base="CodeType">
        <xsd:enumeration value="WKT"/> <!--Well-Known Text ISO/IEC 13249-3:2011 Standard -->  
            <xsd:enumeration value="WKB"/> <!--Well-Known Binary ISO/IEC 13249-3:2011 Standard --> 
                <xsd:enumeration value="GML"/> <!--Geographical Markup Language  --> 
                <xsd:enumeration value="KML"/> <!--Keyhole Markup Language  --> 
                <xsd:enumeration value="GPX"/> <!--GPS Exchange Format  --> 
                <xsd:enumeration value="GeoJSON"/> <!--Geographical JSON 1.0 Format  --> 
                <xsd:enumeration value="SVG"/> <!--Scalable Vector Graphics XML 2D or 3D format -->
        <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/> <!--Other undefined Spatial Unknown format --> 
    <!--     --> 

    <xsd:complexType name="SpatialDefnitionFormatType">
For the SpatialDefintionType, the Spatial Defintion Format element's Enumeration types as defined in ISAS-950002 commom object models as Spatial data definitions.    -->
                        <xsd:extension base="SpatialDefnitionFormat1Type">
                        <xsd:attribute name="OtherValue" type="xsd:string"/>
vitalJP commented 4 years ago

CharlieG021163 commented 4 years ago

@vitalJP Updated Original Comment. Update MESA Issue

vitalJP commented 4 years ago

MESA Issue updated

CharlieG021163 commented 4 years ago

@gerardmoloneyetpartners @terryrankine TypeO fix: Common.xsd,
CHANGE: complexType name="SpatialDefnitionFormat1Type" TO: complexType name="SpatialDefinitionFormat1Type" TypeO fixed in original Issue comment above. NEED to resubmit to MESA.

gerardmoloneyetpartners commented 4 years ago

@CharlieG021163 @terryrankine MESA feedback to review: These are only example in ISA 95 Part 2. They should not be hard coded in B2MML. Recommend reject.

Dennis-Brandl commented 4 years ago

I agree with gerardmoloneyetpartners, these are only examples and should not be enumerated.

gerardmoloneyetpartners commented 4 years ago

Hi @Dennis-Brandl, my comment on 3 Feb was not to agree with you, it was to pass the MESA github comments back here to etp github (prior to us giving you access).

However, in MESA github you have commented Those are still just examples, but its ok to leave this change in place, and let people use the "OtherValue" where needed. Issue closed. Does this mean the changes were accepted AND implemented? I'll try and check the code now to verify.

gerardmoloneyetpartners commented 4 years ago

OK, I can see the fix was implemented as proposed. Moving this to the 'committed by MESA' milestone and closing it.