EU-TEACHING / teaching-app

Repository for TEACHING application startup and deployment. This can be taken as the main access point for the TEACHING plaform developed within the EU TEACHING 2020 project.
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Integration of the AI-Toolkit with the TEACHING_Platform #3

Closed antodima closed 2 years ago

antodima commented 2 years ago

Hi all! :wave::wave: I have created another scenario in order to integrate the AI-Toolkit with the TEACHING_Platform. I added the following files:

  1. Dockerfile.ai_toolkit: the Docker image that clones the AI-Toolkit repository and copies all the necessary files to instantiate a specific Learning Module (at the moment it is capable of instantiate only an Echo State Network (ESN) for stress prediction)
  2. scenario_5.yaml: the Docker-compose file with rabbitmq, file_multisensor and ai_toolkit images
  3. eda.csv into "data_storage/raw_data/wesad/" folder: is the dataset generated from wesad_s2_empatica.pkl file. It is passed to the file_multisensor image by the FILE_SOURCE environment variable into scenario_5.yaml in order to stream the EDA values used by the ESN Learning Module

:warning: In order to have a correct run of the scenario_5 it is important to set the GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN variable in the scenario_5.yaml under ai_toolkit > build > args. I generate the token from Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens of the Github profile.