Could we limit values of a field/facet to known list of values, e.g. for 'format' we allow only 'netCDF' , 'pdf', 'text/plain' etc. and nothing else.
or can we allow only specific patterns, e.g. for author only
two words (Thoams Müller),
two words separated by comma (Müller, Thomas),
Black lists :+1:
In general we want to avod values (that contain) word 'null' or string 'not available'
(On the other hand there maybe an author named Tom Null ???)
Or look at the following example : If for 'description' value 'Other' is found the second value is taken, if available :
dc:descriptionData recording the circumstances and results of the full 'A' international football matches involving Brazil, from 9th of August 1993 to 31st of December 2010, as listed in the Rec.Sport.Soccer
White lists :
Black lists :+1: