B2STAGE service core code for EUDAT project: iRODS-DSI
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Latest B2STAGE version does not work with iRODS 4.1.10 #28

Closed chStaiger closed 6 years ago

chStaiger commented 6 years ago


I am trying to deploy the latest version of B2STAGE on Centos 7.3 and iRODS 4.1.10. I ran into some issues:

Error while make:

/home/admincentos/B2STAGE-GridFTP/DSI/globus_gridftp_server_iRODS.c:706:5: error: too few arguments to function ‘clientLogin’
     status = clientLogin(iRODS_handle->conn);

/home/admincentos/B2STAGE-GridFTP/DSI/libirodsmap.c:46:5: error: too few arguments to function ‘clientLogin’
     rc = clientLogin(rcComm);


rc = clientLogin(rcComm, NULL, NULL);
status = clientLogin(iRODS_handle->conn, NULL, NULL);

The iRODS DSI then compiles. With some minor issues:

When starting the gridFTP server the following error pops up:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/admincentos/B2STAGE-GridFTP/"
export LD_PRELOAD="$LD_PRELOAD:/usr/lib64/"

/etc/init.d/globus-gridftp-server restart
b2stage-centos globus-gridftp-server[3157]: globus_extension_module: Couldn't dlopen in /usr/lib64 (or LD_LIBRARY_PATH): file not found

This can be fixed with a symlink:

ln -s /usr/lib64/ -> /home/admincentos/B2STAGE-GridFTP/

After that the gridFTP server is up and running again, however, the connection between the server and iRODS does not work correctly.

[admincentos@b2stage-centos ~]$ globus-url-copy -list gsiftp://b2stage-centos/b2stageZone/home/b2stage/

error: globus_ftp_client: the server responded with an error
530 530-Login incorrect. : /home/admincentos/B2STAGE-GridFTP/DSI/globus_gridftp_server_iRODS.c:globus_l_gfs_iRODS_start:700:
530-rcConnect failed:: _rcConnect: connectToRhost failed
530- Host: 'b2stage-centos', Port: '1247', UserName 'b2stage', Zone 'b2stageZone'
530 End.

I checked:

The errors apply both to iRODS 4.1.10 run on Ubuntu 14/16 and CentOS7.3

Any help is appreciated. I attach a full description on how I built the gridFTP server. Many thanks, Christine B2STAGE on CentOS 7.3.pdf

sararkd commented 6 years ago

Hello! Installing the B2STAGE DSI on a CentOS 7 with iRODS 4.1.10, I also got the same errors and fixed them as Christine did.

In the end I got the error below. It seems like I can't go ahead on this configuration. Will try to use an older version of the B2STAGE DSI, but that shoulen'd be the solution here.

I'd very much appreciate if anyone could help with this.

$ globus-url-copy -dbg -list gsi
debug: starting to feat gsi
debug: connecting to gsi
debug: response from gsi
220 localhost GridFTP Server 12.4 (gcc64, 1510152968-85) [Globus Toolkit 6.0] ready.

debug: authenticating with gsi
debug: response from gsi
530-Login incorrect. : /var/lib/irods/iRODS_DSI/B2STAGE-GridFTP/DSI/globus_gridftp_server_iRODS.c:globus_l_gfs_iRODS_make_error:580:
530-iRODS DSI. Error: 'clientLogin' failed.. CAT_INVALID_AUTHENTICATION: , status: -826000.
530 End.

debug: fault on connection to gsi
debug: operation complete

error: globus_ftp_client: the server responded with an error
530 530-Login incorrect. : /var/lib/irods/iRODS_DSI/B2STAGE-GridFTP/DSI/globus_gridftp_server_iRODS.c:globus_l_gfs_iRODS_make_error:580:
530-iRODS DSI. Error: 'clientLogin' failed.. CAT_INVALID_AUTHENTICATION: , status: -826000.
530 End.
chStaiger commented 6 years ago

I see right now. I missed to add

$HOME /root

to the server config. Many thanks @muccix.

It works now.