EVE-Workbench / Eveworkbench.Issues

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Notifications #15

Closed r2h3 closed 4 years ago

r2h3 commented 5 years ago

A notification system would be a really nice to have.

Right now a Fitting creator doesnt see if somebody posted a comment in one of his fittings and therefore users asking for more information in the comment section are unlikely to get a response. The notification system could also, combined with a follow-system of sorts, allow a user to get notified of new fittings made by a user he follows or maybe even a specific tag he's interested in.

Lionear commented 5 years ago

This is a good idea but sort of mentioned in Issue/Reqeuest #14

We will keep this ticket open as we might implement the follow other characters first.

Lionear commented 4 years ago

We will release this in version 1.6.3, the notification system will be used when a user follows another user, the user you follow posted a fit or when someone wants to transfer a fit to you.

Release will be early February

Lionear commented 4 years ago

Released on Thursday 30th of January.