EVNotify / EVNotifyPWA

PWA Webinterface for EVNotify
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"back" button in log detail page should be on the bottom.. #36

Open Pazekal90 opened 5 years ago

Pazekal90 commented 5 years ago

... to get a better usability for one-handed usage. To get this done the global back button should be on the left or right side of the menu at the bottom.

If the back button has moved the upper section could be used to display more relevant data of the charging process like "average kWh" "charged kWh" "average temperature" and so on...

(Maybe later this week I can make a pull request for this. To remember the ideas i open issues.)


GPlay97 commented 5 years ago

In my opinion it's a quite uncommon experience to put user actions on the navigation bar at the bottom. I think, it's okay, since we don't have a header anymore. For going back, you can simply click on "Logs" or use the system "Back button". This would fulfill your need of "one handed-usage". But just my personal view at this moment ;)

Pazekal90 commented 5 years ago

I know.. Thats an often asked question in terms of usability. Big studies have tested those handling things and most common was to get the most used interaction keys in the near of your fingers. So that was the reason i put this on the list. A lot of big apps also adopted this and get their interaction parts at the bottom.

And clicking the main button for the category is not recognized by users as the way back(the studies told so). :) But i see your point. For power users this is mostly enough. But not all users are power users :)

GPlay97 commented 5 years ago

I see. Thanks for the clarification. We need to think about this. Give me a few days, after finishing other stuff. Will get back to it