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Create Views Data Table for ROI #14

Open cainaru opened 8 years ago

cainaru commented 8 years ago

Create data table to see the ROIs entered in by author, etc.

cainaru commented 8 years ago

Created the View in dev, which is available at /record-of-inmate-authoring The view is a table which includes Author, the Record of Inmate, and Post Date as columns. Each column is sortable, and there is an exposed filter for both Author and Inmate.

cainaru commented 8 years ago

Note that I created the View as a page, but I'd assume permissions should be set for the page since it will be something we won't want just anyone accessing when it is pushed to the live site. Perhaps it will be best to set permissions for /record-of-inmate-authoring so that only editors and/or contributors can access it.