EXXETA / correomqtt

A modern graphical MQTT client using the HiveMQ client library. MQTT is a messaging protocol widely used in the IoT world. CorreoMQTT provides a UI to send and receive messages. It is able to handle multiple connections at the same time.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add a simple test broker to correo (as plugin) #73

Open farion opened 3 years ago

farion commented 3 years ago

To start up fast with MQTT, it would be nice to have an option to start a simple broker from within correo.

My proposal is to use Moquette as it is written in java and can be used embedded: https://github.com/moquette-io/moquette

raujonas commented 3 years ago

@farion can I work on this issue next? 😊 If yes, could you please open a new repo for the plugin?

farion commented 3 years ago

@raujonas Sure you can :). Regarding the new extension point for menus given by plugins: @al-salah is working on EXXETA/correomqtt-plugins#2 and needs this too, so we need some coordination. As a second extension point is required for this ticket and I would only do one additional release caused by extension points I would propose to use a new branch together with these additional extension points.

raujonas commented 3 years ago

@farion @al-salah okay good to know, I think I could just pick these changes from the new branch (https://github.com/al-salah/correomqtt/tree/AsyncAPI_Integration_plugin) right?.

@farion could you please create a new repo for the plugin under the exxeta group?

ghost commented 3 years ago

@farion i also need a repo for asyncapi pulgin (:

@raujonas yes you can theoretically pick the changes for the additional extension points from there

raujonas commented 3 years ago

@farion I'm having issues with integrating Moquette because JCenter is not available anymore: https://github.com/moquette-io/moquette/issues/565#issuecomment-776863649

I'm not sure how I should handle this now, there are some repos with older versions on maven central but they are not public. Could you please give me a hint?

raujonas commented 3 years ago

@farion What about this: https://github.com/hivemq/hivemq-community-edition#maven Can also be used with maven, what do you think?