EY-Data-Science-Program / 2021-Better-Working-World-Data-Challenge

This github repository has been created for participants in the Better Working World Data Challenge. It contains code and documentation used to set up and manage an analysis environment for completing the Challenge. Please use the Discussions tab for any questions, or to have friendly discussions with other participants in the challenge!
MIT License
9 stars 5 forks source link

[POTENTIAL SECURITY ISSUE] Password saved in the logs unencrypted #47

Open AlexandreSajus opened 3 years ago

AlexandreSajus commented 3 years ago

I created an Azure VM with a password similar to "&WORD". The VM didn't work so I checked the logs of the VM and I found: "/bin/sh: 1: WORD: not found". Because of the symbol "&", the console thought my password was a command and saved it in the logs UNENCRYPTED. This could be a really important security issue, please look into it.