EYHN / vscode-vibrancy

Enable Acrylic/Glass effect for your VS Code.
MIT License
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1909在安装Aero Glass(glass8)调用dwm实现拖动窗口是无延迟,可否放开判定为win10后对选择dwm限制 #46

Closed huhuime closed 3 years ago

huhuime commented 4 years ago

1909在安装(Aero Glass)调用dwm效果 GIF (图片大小5M!)可否考虑放开判定为win10后对选择dwm限制

lastice commented 4 years ago

请问是如何实现的 我安装Aero Glass之后还是有拖动延迟

huhuime commented 4 years ago

请问是如何实现的 我安装Aero Glass之后还是有拖动延迟

修改%UserProfile%\.vscode\extensions\eyhn.vscode-vibrancy-1.0.9\src\extension.js 注销掉第143行opacity = 0;及第197行os === 'win10' || 再修改扩展配置中透明度和毛玻璃效果类型为dwm最后重载(请确保已保存好修改文件再重置)

lastice commented 4 years ago

感谢 成功了

EYHN commented 3 years ago

The latest version (v1.0.10) contains a solution to the mouse lag, please see here for details.

Try the latest version. If the problem is not resolved, please update this issue.