EagerAI / tfaddons

R interface to TensorFlow 2.x SIG-Addons
Apache License 2.0
20 stars 0 forks source link

Current GitHub release fails #6

Closed Unco3892 closed 3 years ago

Unco3892 commented 3 years ago

The current development version seems to be failing, but the CRAN release works.


Downloading GitHub repo EagerAI/tfaddons@HEAD
√  checking for file 'C:\Local\Temp\RtmpSwGaoM\remotes37a05530796\EagerAI-tfaddons-46ab9d3/DESCRIPTION' ... 
-  preparing 'tfaddons': (581ms)
√  checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... 
-  checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts (488ms)
-  checking for empty or unneeded directories
-  building 'tfaddons_0.10.1.tar.gz'

Installing package into ‘C:/project/renv/library/R-4.0/x86_64-w64-mingw32’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
* installing *source* package 'tfaddons' ...
** using staged installation
** R
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package 'tfaddons'
    finding HTML links ... done
    activation_gelu                         html  
    activation_hardshrink                   html  
    activation_lisht                        html  
    activation_mish                         html  
    activation_rrelu                        html  
    activation_softshrink                   html  
    activation_sparsemax                    html  
    activation_tanhshrink                   html  
    attention_bahdanau                      html  
    attention_bahdanau_monotonic            html  
    attention_luong                         html  
    attention_luong_monotonic               html  
    attention_monotonic                     html  
    attention_wrapper                       html  
    attention_wrapper_state                 html  
    callback_average_model_checkpoint       html  
    callback_time_stopping                  html  
    callback_tqdm_progress_bar              html  
    crf_binary_score                        html  
    crf_decode                              html  
    crf_decode_backward                     html  
    crf_decode_forward                      html  
    crf_forward                             html  
    crf_log_likelihood                      html  
    crf_log_norm                            html  
    crf_multitag_sequence_score             html  
    crf_sequence_score                      html  
    crf_unary_score                         html  
    decode_dynamic                          html  
    decoder                                 html  
    decoder_base                            html  
    decoder_basic                           html  
    decoder_basic_output                    html  
    decoder_beam_search                     html  
    decoder_beam_search_output              html  
    decoder_beam_search_state               html  
    decoder_final_beam_search_output        html  
    extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay      html  
    gather_tree                             html  
    gather_tree_from_array                  html  
    hardmax                                 html  
    img_adjust_hsv_in_yiq                   html  
    img_angles_to_projective_transforms     html  
    img_blend                               html  
    img_compose_transforms                  html  
    img_connected_components                html  
    img_cutout                              html  
    img_dense_image_warp                    html  
    img_equalize                            html  
    img_euclidean_dist_transform            html  
    img_flat_transforms_to_matrices         html  
    img_from_4D                             html  
    img_get_ndims                           html  
    img_interpolate_bilinear                html  
    img_interpolate_spline                  html  
    img_matrices_to_flat_transforms         html  
    img_mean_filter2d                       html  
    img_median_filter2d                     html  
    img_random_cutout                       html  
    img_random_hsv_in_yiq                   html  
    img_resampler                           html  
    img_rotate                              html  
    img_sharpness                           html  
    img_shear_x                             html  
    img_shear_y                             html  
    img_sparse_image_warp                   html  
    img_to_4D                               html  
    img_transform                           html  
    img_translate                           html  
    img_translate_xy                        html  
    img_unwrap                              html  
    img_wrap                                html  
    install_tfaddons                        html  
    layer_activation_gelu                   html  
    layer_correlation_cost                  html  
    layer_filter_response_normalization     html  
    layer_group_normalization               html  
    layer_instance_normalization            html  
    layer_maxout                            html  
    layer_multi_head_attention              html  
    layer_nas_cell                          html  
    layer_norm_lstm_cell                    html  
    layer_poincare_normalize                html  
    layer_sparsemax                         html  
    layer_weight_normalization              html  
    lookahead_mechanism                     html  
    loss_contrastive                        html  
    loss_giou                               html  
    loss_hamming                            html  
    loss_lifted_struct                      html  
    loss_npairs                             html  
    loss_npairs_multilabel                  html  
    loss_pinball                            html  
    loss_sequence                           html  
    loss_sigmoid_focal_crossentropy         html  
    loss_sparsemax                          html  
    loss_triplet_hard                       html  
    loss_triplet_semihard                   html  
    metric_cohen_kappa                      html  
    metric_fbetascore                       html  
    metric_hamming_distance                 html  
    metric_mcc                              html  
    metric_multilabel_confusion_matrix      html  
    metric_rsquare                          html  
    metrics_f1score                         html  
    optimizer_conditional_gradient          html  
    optimizer_decay_adamw                   html  
    optimizer_decay_sgdw                    html  
    optimizer_lamb                          html  
    optimizer_lazy_adam                     html  
    optimizer_moving_average                html  
    optimizer_novograd                      html  
    optimizer_radam                         html  
    optimizer_swa                           html  
    optimizer_yogi                          html  
    parse_time                              html  
    reexports                               html  
    register_all                            html  
    register_custom_kernels                 html  
    register_keras_objects                  html  
    safe_cumprod                            html  
    sample_bernoulli                        html  
    sample_categorical                      html  
    sampler                                 html  
    sampler_custom                          html  
    sampler_greedy_embedding                html  
    sampler_inference                       html  
    sampler_sample_embedding                html  
    sampler_scheduled_embedding_training    html  
    sampler_scheduled_output_training       html  
    sampler_training                        html  
    skip_gram_sample                        html  
    skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab        html  
    tfaddons_version                        html  
    tile_batch                              html  
    viterbi_decode                          html  
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
*** arch - i386
Error: package or namespace load failed for 'tfaddons' in library.dynam(lib, package, package.lib):
 DLL 'Rcpp' not found: maybe not installed for this architecture?
Error: loading failed
Execution halted
*** arch - x64
ERROR: loading failed for 'i386'
* removing 'C:/project/renv/library/R-4.0/x86_64-w64-mingw32/tfaddons'
* restoring previous 'C:/project/renv/library/R-4.0/x86_64-w64-mingw32/tfaddons'

I run this installation via renv and installing Rcpp didn't seem to help.

turgut090 commented 3 years ago

Hi, not sure why installation fails for windows. But it works for Windows https://github.com/EagerAI/tfaddons/runs/2688597119

checking for file 'C:\Users\runneradmin\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpgZ8r5A\file1a98527e4d5c\tfaddons/DESCRIPTION' ...

v  checking for file 'C:\Users\runneradmin\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpgZ8r5A\file1a98527e4d5c\tfaddons/DESCRIPTION'

-  preparing 'tfaddons': (406ms)
   checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ...

   checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... 

v  checking DESCRIPTION meta-information

-  checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts (449ms)

-  checking for empty or unneeded directories

-  building 'tfaddons_0.10.2.tar.gz'

Installing package into 'D:/a/_temp/Library'
(as 'lib' is unspecified)
* installing *source* package 'tfaddons' ...
** using staged installation
** R
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices

  converting help for package 'tfaddons'
    finding HTML links ... done
    activation_gelu                         html  
    activation_hardshrink                   html  
    activation_lisht                        html  
    activation_mish                         html  
    activation_rrelu                        html  
    activation_softshrink                   html  
    activation_sparsemax                    html  
    activation_tanhshrink                   html  
    attention_bahdanau                      html  
    attention_bahdanau_monotonic            html  
    attention_luong                         html  
    attention_luong_monotonic               html  
    attention_monotonic                     html  
    attention_wrapper                       html  
    attention_wrapper_state                 html  
    callback_average_model_checkpoint       html  
    callback_time_stopping                  html  
    callback_tqdm_progress_bar              html  
    crf_binary_score                        html  
    crf_decode                              html  
    crf_decode_backward                     html  
    crf_decode_forward                      html  
    crf_forward                             html  
    crf_log_likelihood                      html  
    crf_log_norm                            html  
    crf_multitag_sequence_score             html  
    crf_sequence_score                      html  
    crf_unary_score                         html  
    decode_dynamic                          html  
    decoder                                 html  
    decoder_base                            html  
    decoder_basic                           html  
    decoder_basic_output                    html  
    decoder_beam_search                     html  
    decoder_beam_search_output              html  
    decoder_beam_search_state               html  
    decoder_final_beam_search_output        html  
    extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay      html  
    gather_tree                             html  
    gather_tree_from_array                  html  
    hardmax                                 html  
    img_adjust_hsv_in_yiq                   html  
    img_angles_to_projective_transforms     html  
    img_blend                               html  
    img_compose_transforms                  html  
    img_connected_components                html  
    img_cutout                              html  
    img_dense_image_warp                    html  
    img_equalize                            html  
    img_euclidean_dist_transform            html  
    img_flat_transforms_to_matrices         html  
    img_from_4D                             html  
    img_get_ndims                           html  
    img_interpolate_bilinear                html  
    img_interpolate_spline                  html  
    img_matrices_to_flat_transforms         html  
    img_mean_filter2d                       html  
    img_median_filter2d                     html  
    img_random_cutout                       html  
    img_random_hsv_in_yiq                   html  
    img_resampler                           html  
    img_rotate                              html  
    img_sharpness                           html  
    img_shear_x                             html  
    img_shear_y                             html  
    img_sparse_image_warp                   html  
    img_to_4D                               html  
    img_transform                           html  
    img_translate                           html  
    img_translate_xy                        html  
    img_unwrap                              html  
    img_wrap                                html  
    install_tfaddons                        html  
    layer_activation_gelu                   html  
    layer_correlation_cost                  html  
    layer_filter_response_normalization     html  
    layer_group_normalization               html  
    layer_instance_normalization            html  
    layer_maxout                            html  
    layer_multi_head_attention              html  
    layer_nas_cell                          html  
    layer_norm_lstm_cell                    html  
    layer_poincare_normalize                html  
    layer_sparsemax                         html  
    layer_weight_normalization              html  
    lookahead_mechanism                     html  
    loss_contrastive                        html  
    loss_giou                               html  
    loss_hamming                            html  
    loss_lifted_struct                      html  
    loss_npairs                             html  
    loss_npairs_multilabel                  html  
    loss_pinball                            html  
    loss_sequence                           html  
    loss_sigmoid_focal_crossentropy         html  
    loss_sparsemax                          html  
    loss_triplet_hard                       html  
    loss_triplet_semihard                   html  
    metric_cohen_kappa                      html  
    metric_fbetascore                       html  
    metric_hamming_distance                 html  
    metric_mcc                              html  
    metric_multilabel_confusion_matrix      html  
    metric_rsquare                          html  
    metrics_f1score                         html  
    optimizer_conditional_gradient          html  
    optimizer_decay_adamw                   html  
    optimizer_decay_sgdw                    html  
    optimizer_lamb                          html  
    optimizer_lazy_adam                     html  
    optimizer_moving_average                html  
    optimizer_novograd                      html  
    optimizer_radam                         html  
    optimizer_swa                           html  
    optimizer_yogi                          html  
    parse_time                              html  
    reexports                               html  
    register_all                            html  
    register_custom_kernels                 html  
    register_keras_objects                  html  
    safe_cumprod                            html  
    sample_bernoulli                        html  
    sample_categorical                      html  
    sampler                                 html  
    sampler_custom                          html  
    sampler_greedy_embedding                html  
    sampler_inference                       html  
    sampler_sample_embedding                html  
    sampler_scheduled_embedding_training    html  
    sampler_scheduled_output_training       html  
    sampler_training                        html  
    skip_gram_sample                        html  
    skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab        html  
    tfaddons_version                        html  
    tile_batch                              html  
    viterbi_decode                          html  
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
*** arch - i386
*** arch - x64
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
*** arch - i386
*** arch - x64
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (tfaddons)
Unco3892 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @henry090 for the build info, strangely this seems to be related to https://github.com/mlverse/torch/issues/577#issuecomment-851391835 as after upgrading the CUDA to v10.2, it also fixed this issue.