Eagle-One-Development / sbox-speed-dial

Speed Dial Gamemode for s&box
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

Content split #42

Closed DoctorGurke closed 11 months ago

DoctorGurke commented 11 months ago

Split the main repo into two projects, game and content, and merged speed-dial-maps back into content Games will only upload content immediately within their project, so adding all the other content onto the same project will bloat the download size over time. Maps are still able to reference content from the active game. Any content that is used by the main game but also perhaps needed for a map, the asset should be uploaded to asset.party to avoid duplicating or needlessly moving around content.

GAME Anything the actual game needs to run, on any map independent from any other content.

CONTENT Any other assets that are made for wiseguys content