Open deprecatedapi opened 11 years ago
Only thing is: It's increasingly difficult to document these things the more they begin happening to you.
Did you read any of this link I posted about "radical beekeeping"
The stuff about the "bien" of the bees is super interesting, as is his notion that aligning oneself with the "bien" acts as a gateway to recurrent visionary states:
Thiele had advice for avoiding stings-"relax and focus on the bien" is how he put it. Oddly, I had a chance to try this technique just after the lecture. I walked over to a display by the local county beekeeping association (that Thiele would probably be horrified by) that included a hive in Langstroth boxes being fed sugar water and kept within a mosquito netted tent. Somehow there must have been a gap in the tent and a very pissed off bee landed in my hair. I did exactly as Thiele said-I relaxed and imagined the bien. The bee crawled out of my hair and took off. This has never happened to me before-every time a bee has made it into my hair in the past I've gotten stung.
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I also think limiting to dreams is good to start now b/c dreaming is as close to an objective shared experience as we can get. Not everybody has visions or recognizes synchronicity, but almost everybody dreams when they go to sleep.
Visions? Occurrences? Synchronicities?