Earth-Online / efb-qq-coolq-docker

efb-qq-slave 的docker文件库
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unable to communicate with CoolQ Client #1

Closed benbenshadow closed 5 years ago

benbenshadow commented 5 years ago

安装readme 修改配置文件, 启动后tg收到这个消息, 无法连接coolq client

We're unable to communicate with CoolQ Client. Please check the connection and credentials provided. Unable to connect to CoolQ Client!Error Message: HTTPConnectionPool(host='cqhttp', port=5700): Max retries exceeded with url: /get_status (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fdd8b545908>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))

blue-bird1 commented 5 years ago

这是因为双方同时启动,而coolq还没有登陆成功,所以连接失败了, 登陆后用机器人 /extra 里的命令重连一下

benbenshadow commented 5 years ago


kevinzhang1234 commented 5 years ago

