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Alliances revisited #9

Open GoodrichDev opened 4 months ago

GoodrichDev commented 4 months ago

Rework existing Alliance feature in Towny to introduce a new structure where Alliances are categorized into Primary and Secondary types. This new system would allow for a more organized and hierarchical approach to alliances, reflecting real-world political and military alliances more closely.

Primary Alliances would function as formal and exclusive unions of nations, operating under a principle of shared interests and mutual non-aggression. This level of alliance would be akin to creating a "super-nation" or coalition, where member nations are bound by stricter criteria, primarily the absence of conflicting interests with other member nations. This approach ensures that alliances are cohesive and aligned in their goals, preventing internal conflicts that could arise from harboring nations with adversarial relationships. For instance, if "Nation A" wants to join "Primary Alliance A" but has existing hostilities with "Nation B," a current member, "Nation A" would be ineligible to join to preserve the alliance. This system encourages nations to resolve conflicts and harmonize their foreign policies with potential allies, fostering a more stable and cooperative international environment. The integration of Primary Alliances into TownyChat would replace the existing alliance channel, providing a dedicated communication platform for these Primary Alliances.

Secondary Alliances, on the other hand, would retain the flexibility and exclusivity of the current alliance system in Towny. These alliances would be less formal and not subject to the strict membership criteria of Primary Alliances, allowing for a broader range of diplomatic relationships and strategies. Nations could join Secondary Alliances freely, even if they have conflicting interests with other members.

Primary Alliances can declare war on each other introduces a grand scale of conflict and competition, where entire blocs of nations can engage in warfare. This feature would bring an added layer of strategic depth to the game, as alliances would need to carefully consider their military, economic, and diplomatic positions before engaging in such significant conflicts. It would also encourage alliances to seek strength in unity, preparing for potential wars by bolstering their defenses, economies, and relationships within and outside their alliance.

Overall, this reworked alliance system would enrich the Towny experience by adding layers of strategy, diplomacy, and interaction, making the management of nations and alliances a more engaging.

Bustun01 commented 4 months ago

I think that allowing the creation of the primary alliances are a great idea, but the secondary alliances should be scrapped as that would introduce a lot of unnecessary complexity. Informal alliances already exist and manifest themselves through the large amount of geopolitics that happens through outside channels, which is usually through discord.

Thought on Alliance Chat The alliance chat channel is pretty awful as there are many nations that can be allied with both parties during a conflict and just eavesdrop for their preferred side. A dedicated chat channel for a certain alliance group would be much better for this regard, and it would provide a formal in-game structure for people to manifest their alliances and communicate within the alliance without the threat of eavesdroppers.

Economic Warfare System An idea I have for these alliances is to introduce economic warfare through sanctions and embargoes. In the specific context of our game, we could have those mean the following things:

Nation leaders would get new tools to put force behind their political goals besides just engaging in sieges.