Earthcomputer / multiconnect

A mod to connect to multiple Minecraft server versions
465 stars 52 forks source link

Make the width of the version dropdown dynamic and fix doesServerKnow #518

Closed Gaming32 closed 1 year ago

Gaming32 commented 1 year ago

Sometimes, names in extensions can get... longer. This means that sometimes the names overflow the version dropdown's width, which look really bad.

Gaming32 commented 1 year ago

New issue: items don't get added back to the creative menu ever

Gaming32 commented 1 year ago

This is because CreativeModeTabs.wouldRebuildSameContents only returns false when the feature flags or operator state changes, and the items are only refreshed when this returns false. The fix (which I am about to implement) is to mixin to this method and also add a check for protocol version.

JaaiDead commented 1 year ago

now heres the solution for the crashing lol