Eastcoast-Laboratories / Roboyard

Problem-solving Android game - find the optimal moves to move one robot to its target
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 2 forks source link

cycle through different solutions if more than one solution is found #19

Open rubo77 opened 5 months ago

rubo77 commented 5 months ago

In version 11 I added the feature, that you can see all solutions in the end if you click on the lightbulb again.

This commit was introducing another bug, so that the solver didn't work correctly any more. I had to roll it back in eb7b98f7 and published Version 10.2

It would be great if this would be added in a functioning way again.

rubo77 commented 5 months ago

I don't remember, which were the bug introduced through the new functionality. It had something to do with some puzzles not being solved correctly or such

i created a new Version 13 with the same commit like in v11 in cycle-through-solutions

lets test this version and see if the bugs still arise.