EasternEdgeRobotics / Software_2017

The control software for 2017
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Implement communication to IMU #25

Closed whymarrh closed 8 years ago

whymarrh commented 8 years ago

The IMU communication is via I2C

whymarrh commented 8 years ago

@EasternEdgeRobotics/developers this is up for grabs is anyone wants to take it

cal-pratt commented 8 years ago

@whymarrh Currently working on this item.

The best library to use seems to be:

Sample code of interest:

whymarrh commented 8 years ago

Though they'll share the underlying communication protocol, is this different from the thruster stuff (#9)?

cal-pratt commented 8 years ago

The thrusters are run through an I2C interface. The design decision to move i2c functions to the rasprime requires that the arduino communication (in system-manager branch) be translated to java.

I was considering using PI4J for this.

cal-pratt commented 8 years ago

Ah, I completely misread this. After basic code for i2c communication is added, the IMU portion of the task can be handed off.

cal-pratt commented 8 years ago

Current status of AltIMU-10 v3 components:

Device details:

Sensor Address low Address high (default)
L3GD20H gyroscope 1101010b 1101011b
LSM303D accelerometer & magnetometer 0011110b 0011111b
LPS331AP barometer 1011100b 1011101b

Output format (I²C):

Sensitivity range:

cal-pratt commented 8 years ago

Note that the AltIMU devices use predefined I²C addresses. We're going to use the grounded (low) addresses, however, we should avoid re-using any of these addresses to avoid future conflicts.

Reserved Addresses: 0x6A, 0x6B, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x5C, 0x5D

whymarrh commented 8 years ago

The amount of time required to make IMU output useful to us is greater than the amount of time we have.