EasyCorp / EasyAdminBundle

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Allow `Translatable` objects in addition to `string` in translated context #5066

Closed Lustmored closed 2 years ago

Lustmored commented 2 years ago

This PR is pretty massive, yet almost all of it's code changes are just enablers for features that are already in Symfony Forms (5.4+) and Symfony Translation (also 5.4+). It allows passing Translatable objects as labels and other parts.


Currently my main problem with EasyAdmin is translation extraction. I maintain pretty large project where translation extraction is build into workflow very tightly and using manual extraction is unmaintainable. Fortunately most translations in admin context have no parameters, so I can workaround that by doing:

yield TextField::new('name', (string) t('Client name'));

But that's just a dirty hack and works only when label needs no parameters to translate properly. This is why I would benefit greatly if EasyAdmin would simply allow those objects internally and I think other users would welcome it too :smiley:

I have tested those changes on real life projects and they worked like a charm :smile:

Complexity (?)

As stated before most of the changes are just enablers. By just changing some signatures and adding very simple logic whenever EasyAdmin translates content I was able to pass Translatable objects to templates and Symfony Forms, where they handle it without any additional work.

Backwards compatibility

Functional backwards compatibility is kept. By that I mean - if project uses strings in those contexts (or leaves them empty for Easy Admin to fill with default values), no incompatibility arises. Setters accept strings as before and getters will return those strings. Also - everything will be translated, as before.

Unfortunately the same cannot be said about class signatures. Summary of signature changes are as follows:

Final classes with signature changes:

Non-final classes with signature changes:

I wouldn't consider signature changes in setters in final classes as BI, but getters are - end user code might expect getter to return ?string, while this PR changes it to TranslatableInterface|string|null. Again - in simple use case, where user is not using Translatable objects this assumption will still hold. But libraries, bundles and other code does not have such guarantee.

Also one non-final class and commonly used trait have signature changes in parameter types that will raise errors when inherited.

I don't see any way we can achieve the same without breaking BC, therefore I think this change can only target 5.0. But I'd love to hear from the others :)


javiereguiluz commented 2 years ago

@Lustmored thanks for this PR. I looked into it a bit. I think it's a nice first step, but we're missing another step.

My original idea was to use TranslatableInterface ourselves too. Instead of the current logic (translate everything in PHP and just render the result in Twig) I was thinking about translating NOTHING in PHP (just create TranslatableInterface objects) and let Twig deal with those translatable objects. What do you think?

Lustmored commented 2 years ago

@Lustmored thanks for this PR. I looked into it a bit. I think it's a nice first step, but we're missing another step.

My original idea was to use TranslatableInterface ourselves too. Instead of the current logic (translate everything in PHP and just render the result in Twig) I was thinking about translating NOTHING in PHP (just create TranslatableInterface objects) and let Twig deal with those translatable objects. What do you think?

I think this is great idea. I will investigate further and update PR, but since translation in fact occurs only in a few places this should be very easy to achieve.

My first thought was to transform translatable values as soon as possible, but unfortunately catalogues are configurable on dashboard level, so that's unachievable. Instead I will go other way around and only transform translatable content into Translatable object as lazily as possible.

Lustmored commented 2 years ago

@javiereguiluz I have made a single step forward. It is by no means finished (for example - I had to do a major change in ChoiceConfigurator and ran out of time for today to fix tests).

But this shows the direction I took and it would be great to gather more feedback in the meantime :)

Lustmored commented 2 years ago

I think I have achieved all I wanted here and am ready for criticism :smiley:

I have added convenience option to ChoiceField to allow passing Translatable choice values (this requires passing choices in a flipped way as object cannot be keys) as it's something I use a lot in my projects and I think others can benefit from this shortcut.

I didn't add many tests as I'm pretty unsure about what to add where, so if you see something that should have tests please point at it and give me a hint as to where such tests should go within EasyAdmin test suite and I'll do it :+1:

michaelKaefer commented 2 years ago

IMHO the next step is that @javiereguiluz decides if the PR is better for 4.x or for 5.x. IMHO it should be for 5.x because of the BC breaks (but there's no branch 5.x yet..).

By the way: I will do my best to review parts of the PR but I'm absolutely not able to forecast what all the changes will result in, so you will have to wait for the maintainers.. But it's a huge PR and a clear improvement for sure!

Lustmored commented 2 years ago

IMHO the next step is that @javiereguiluz decides if the PR is better for 4.x or for 5.x. IMHO it should be for 5.x because of the BC breaks (but there's no branch 5.x yet..).

By the way: I will do my best to review parts of the PR but I'm absolutely not able to forecast what all the changes will result in, so you will have to wait for the maintainers.. But it's a huge PR and a clear improvement for sure!

I am right with you on the 5.x part - let's wait for maintainers.

I wasn't aware you're not the maintainer (didn't check that, sorry). But every feedback is worth a lot, so I am definitely looking forward to some constructive criticism :+1:

javiereguiluz commented 2 years ago

About BC breaks ... one thing to keep in mind is that we are not Symfony. We don't have resources to provide a "perfect BC policy", so we need to provide a "good BC policy".

However, let's try to minimize annoying changes for our users. For example, about this change:

-    public function getCustomPageTitle(string $pageName = null, $entityInstance = null): ?string
+   public function getCustomPageTitle(array $translationParameters = [], string $pageName = null, $entityInstance = null): ?TranslatableInterface

I'd say that:

(1) Replacing ?string by ?TranslatableInterface as return type is OK. 99.99% of the times this method is used in a Twig template, so nothing will change. If you call this in PHP (e.g. in a test) you only need to do minor changes (e.g. add a (string) cast to the result of this method).

(2) Changing the arguments looks like a more problematic change. Could we at least add the new argument (array $translationParameters = []) at the end of the argument list?


Lustmored commented 2 years ago

(2) Changing the arguments looks like a more problematic change. Could we at least add the new argument (array $translationParameters = []) at the end of the argument list?

Sure, I will try to find such places and update PR tomorrow :+1:

michaelKaefer commented 2 years ago

I found a more drastic BC break which will be simple to fix I hope. In an app I configure the translation domain in the DashboardController:

    public function configureDashboard(): Dashboard
        return Dashboard::new()
            // the domain used by default is 'messages'

This domain is ignored in your PR and the domain defaults to messages, so all my existing translations for the admin domain are not used and parts of the app are not translated:

Lustmored commented 2 years ago

(2) Changing the arguments looks like a more problematic change. Could we at least add the new argument (array $translationParameters = []) at the end of the argument list?

I have pushed changes that make signature changes somehow BC.

This domain is ignored in your PR and the domain defaults to messages, so all my existing translations for the admin domain are not used and parts of the app are not translated:

Could you please share more? Are you using strings/nulls/Translatable there? My initial thought is that you use Translatable and didn't specify domain when constructing them. But I think there might be some code path that I missed, so please share a few lines where you specify labels that aren't correctly translated and I'll investigate :+1:

michaelKaefer commented 2 years ago

My dashboard controller:

class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
    public function configureDashboard(): Dashboard
        return Dashboard::new()
            // the domain used by default is 'messages'
            ->setTranslationDomain('foobar'); // Note: we can cahnge the domain

    public function configureMenuItems(): iterable
        yield MenuItem::section('baz.baz');

My translations/foobar.de.yaml:

  baz: 'This translation should be used for the menu item'
Lustmored commented 2 years ago

Thank you @michaelKaefer - I will work on that this Friday, as I must've clearly missed some path :+1:

Lustmored commented 2 years ago

@michaelKaefer In fact I missed one property typedef (for all menu items) and a few places in templates where labels should be translated, but weren't. I have tested mentioned places locally and it seems to be enough.

I would love to have all of that covered in tests, but honestly speaking I have no idea how to approach testing such a big scope without writing new unit tests for every class :disappointed:

javiereguiluz commented 2 years ago

@Lustmored don't worry about the lack of tests. It's my fault and I should have added more tests. We'll do that when we can. Cheers.

Lustmored commented 2 years ago

@javiereguiluz is there anything more I should do in this matter? I believe my main objectives are already achieved so if there's anything more to be done to make this merge-able please let me know :)

Lustmored commented 2 years ago

@javiereguiluz I have migrated all 'ea' prefixed messages to regular Translatable objects (per #4928). Please let me know if there is anything more I can do here :)

Lustmored commented 2 years ago

@javiereguiluz Friendly ping :smile_cat:

Lustmored commented 2 years ago

@Lustmored thanks a lot for all the effort that you put on this feature. It's really great.

While reviewing this, I only found one minor issue. In the ActionFactory we need to update the translationParameters of all labels, including TranslatableInterface objects. Otherwise, action labels don't have access to parameters like the entity name and that's why the "New" action button looks like this for all may CRUDs:


Thanks for the review. There are 2 topics I'd like to address to fully answer the problem here..

Solving the problem in ActionFactory

Unfortunately what you're asking is not trivial and I'm not sure if even doable. TranslatableInterface defines only one method and that is public function trans(TranslatorInterface $translator, string $locale = null): string;. Therefore there is no contract for any kind of getters/setters/mutation.

We cannot assume that all translatable objects will be of TranslatableMessage class (that has defined getMessage and getParameters which we need at the very least) as that'd limit consumer to just one implementation of Translatable.

The only thing on the code side we could do here in my opinion is another if branch for objects of class TranslatableMessage (but not inherited from it as that could have constructor signature and functional changes, so probably get_class($actionDto->getLabel()) === TranslatableMessage::class) - that I can easily do.

And the other thing is to warn people about that in the docs. I'm not the best in writing understandable manuals, but I can try to add some info about the topic here and there.

Solving the problem elsewhere

As previous section outlined problems with changing translatable objects parameters in runtime we shall at least investigate what we can do in other places. The problem in fact has source in Actions class where those action labels are created. In this code path there is no access to the AdminContext (and it's probably too early to even call getTranslationParameters() but I might be mistaken here).

One solution I see here is to introduce another Translatable class (EasyAdminTranslatableMessage? MutableTranslatableMessage? don't what what name would be best) with additional method (setDefaultParameters(array $parameters)). Then whenever we face it (action factory, configurators etc.) we can just pass default parameters from admin context and be good to go.

Of course that will also need some documenting so that people will know that whenever they require additional context data they need to use this class. Or even better - make it an interface (I have no idea how to name it) so that people can pass their own implementation whenever needed.


I would definitely go with the second option and create a new interface that'd extend Translatable and a default implementation of it (that will be rather trivial) and then track all usages again and handle it correctly wherever we use additional parameters. I believe it falls into right usage of the TranslatableInterface contract and gives users full control.

What do you think?

javiereguiluz commented 2 years ago

@Lustmored thanks for your detailed comment. I'd prefer to try to solve this without creating a custom class wrapping the default Translatable class from Symfony. I'm still don't know if it's possible, but let's try to think a bit more about this πŸ™ Thanks!

Lustmored commented 2 years ago

@javiereguiluz I already define 2 such classes in this PR to mimic choice field behavior with translation - but I can just mark them as @internal as those are convenience wrappers that shouldn't be used elsewhere.

For now I think going forward with just TranslatableMessage class sound impossible, bu I will investigate further on Friday as it will take some time. Just to clarify one question:

Would you like just internally created translatables to have default parameters appended or the ones provided by consumer code too?

It makes a big difference when looking for a solution. Personally I don't think handling "external" translatable objects is required, because user-land code can just specify all parameters whenever creating object (that was impossible with strings therefore the need for those default parameters).

Lustmored commented 2 years ago

@javiereguiluz I have went ahead with more-less what I proposed in the first option. I have created TranslatableUtils helper class with just one static method - withParameters that checks object type and if it is of TranslatableMessage class (and not any child of it) it creates a new object with additional parameters appended to it.

Due to the nature of TranslatableInterface I see no way to reliably transform any other implementation, therefore I've added note about it to the docs. I believe it is not a big problem, as when someone uses custom translatable implementation they are probably aware of its internals and can work with that.

In addition I've marked custom Translatable interfaces (ChoiceMessage and ChoicesMessage) to be @internal and final. As stated before they are in my opinion simplest solution to displaying choice field and shouldn't be used elsewhere.

I have also tracked parameters usage and found it to be significant only for page titles and action labels, so I've added using TranslatableUtils to corresponding paths. If they are required elsewhere it's as easy as adding one static method call right now :)

I have checked on live project and this implementation fixes button labels and hopefully satisfies what you wanted to achieve here. How does that sound?

javiereguiluz commented 2 years ago

@Lustmored thanks a lot for your new updates to this feature. Yes, I've checked it locally in my own projects and I can no longer see any error. I intend to merge this before the end of this week, probably during the weekend. If you can rebase your PR one last time, it'd be great. Otherwise I'll try to do that myself while merging. Thanks!

Lustmored commented 2 years ago

@javiereguiluz I have rebased the branch. I see there are a few places where this branch adds/removes |trans or |raw in templates (in just a few spots) and I'm uncertain if during rebasing at some point I've missed some changes or those are required (don't remember tbh). Please take a quick look at that before/during merging just to be sure :+1:

javiereguiluz commented 2 years ago

Jakub, I finally merged your magnificent contribution! A million thanks for having worked on this πŸ™‡πŸ™‡πŸ™‡

As I told in an earlier comment, I intend to submit a PR with some very minor tweaks ... but I'll do that later because I want to fully test your contribution in more real apps using EasyAdmin. Thanks!

Lustmored commented 2 years ago

Jakub, I finally merged your magnificent contribution! A million thanks for having worked on this πŸ™‡πŸ™‡πŸ™‡

As I told in an earlier comment, I intend to submit a PR with some very minor tweaks ... but I'll do that later because I want to fully test your contribution in more real apps using EasyAdmin. Thanks!

You're very welcome πŸ‘ I'm really happy to see this moving forward. If you will find any problems I can help with just tag me (here on Github or on Slack) and I'll work on them πŸ‘