Open ben29 opened 2 days ago
When enable:
easyadmin: resource: . type: easyadmin.routes
I have 2 Folders that I always use. different Dashboard, different actions.
I have:
In AffDashboardController, I have different configureMenuItems.
it's look like the pretty urls, doesn't care about the different AffDashboardController.
and it's generate urls of Admin to Aff dashboard.
php bin/console debug:router | grep page_edit
admin_page_edit GET|POST|PATCH ANY ANY /page/{entityId}/edit affiliate_page_edit GET|POST|PATCH ANY ANY /page/{entityId}/edit
as you can see the "admin_page_edit" it's also generated to "affiliate_page_edit"
when I disable pretty urls. everything is working fine! the aff doesn't get admin urls!
I think the Generator doesn’t care about the namespace, or its only care about one Dashboard controller to use it globally.
another bug:
yield MenuItem::linkToDashboard('Dashboard', 'fa fa-home');
when I'm using the aff dashboard. it's always link to 'admin'.
@javiereguiluz can you pls help?
When enable:
I have 2 Folders that I always use. different Dashboard, different actions.
I have:
I have:
In AffDashboardController, I have different configureMenuItems.
it's look like the pretty urls, doesn't care about the different AffDashboardController.
and it's generate urls of Admin to Aff dashboard.
php bin/console debug:router | grep page_edit
as you can see the "admin_page_edit" it's also generated to "affiliate_page_edit"
when I disable pretty urls. everything is working fine! the aff doesn't get admin urls!
I think the Generator doesn’t care about the namespace, or its only care about one Dashboard controller to use it globally.
another bug:
yield MenuItem::linkToDashboard('Dashboard', 'fa fa-home');
when I'm using the aff dashboard. it's always link to 'admin'.