Open strub opened 1 month ago
As someone who is trying to machine-generate code involving glob
, it would be helpful if the field names were easily predictable. (Of course we can always reverse engineer from the EC code, but...)
Here is an example of thinking of glob
in a hierarchical way. Unfortunately, in proof goals, glob
is always eagerly expanded out into its components, which in the case of a complex hierarchy would be distracting and take up a lot of screen space. Is there a way to keep glob
symbolic longer? I'm thinking/hoping this might be a consequence of moving to records for glob
, which is why I'm posing this question on this issue.
require import AllCore.
module N = {
var x : int
proc f() : unit = {
x <- x - 1;
(* we make all the metrics smt_opaque so SMT has to treat them
as black boxes *)
op [smt_opaque] metric_N (g : glob N) : int = g.
lemma N_f_metric (n : int) :
hoare [N.f : metric_N (glob N) = n ==> metric_N (glob N) < n].
rewrite /metric_N; proc; auto; smt().
module M = {
var b : bool
proc f() : unit = {
if (b) {
b <- false;
else {
op glob_M_self (g : glob M) / : bool = g.`1.
op glob_M_to_N (g : glob M) / : glob N = g.`2.
op [smt_opaque] metric_M (g : glob M) : int =
(if glob_M_self g then 1 else 0) +
metric_N (glob_M_to_N g).
lemma M_f_metric (n : int) :
hoare [M.f : metric_M (glob M) = n ==> metric_M (glob M) < n].
Current goal
Type variables: <none>
n: int
pre = metric_M (M.b, N.x) = n
post = metric_M (M.b, N.x) < n
rewrite /metric_M; auto => |> /= /#.
exlim (glob M) => g.
call (N_f_metric (metric_N (glob_M_to_N g))).
rewrite /metric_M; auto => |>.
This would allow to refer to the components of a
by name.