EasyDarwin / EasyPusher

免费组件:简单、高效、稳定、免费的一款标准RTSP/RTP协议直播推送库,支持将H.264/H.265/G.711/G.726/AAC等音视频数据推送到RTSP流媒体服务器(例如EasyDarwin)进行低延时直播或者视频通信,支持Windows、Linux、ARM、Android、iOS等平台,EasyPusher配套EasyDarwin流媒体服务器、EasyPlayer RTSP播放器适用于特殊行业的低延时应急指挥需求! Android迁移到了https://github.com/EasyDarwin/EasyPusher-Android , iOS迁移到了https://github.com/EasyDarwin/EasyPusher-iOS
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easypusher_win build error in vs2015 #11

Open AndwareSsj opened 7 years ago

AndwareSsj commented 7 years ago
use VisualStudioConverter.exe convert vs 2010 project to vs 2015 project.
open /win/EasyPusher.sln and build it success,
but open /EasyPusher_Win/EasyPusher.sln build it error. this is error image


xzfn commented 7 years ago

I had this problem too. After searching it seems like a conflict between D3D and directshow. It's pretty weired that easypush copied Microsoft headers into itself, I think a careful fix should be done. Or, for a very dirty fix, add #define __D3DRM_H__ to every cpp files which report above errors, right BELOW #include "stdafx.h". It works well at least for me.