EasyEngine / docs

Documentation for EasyEngine
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Rough outline to doc automatation #34

Closed rahul286 closed 6 years ago

rahul286 commented 6 years ago

Final docs might look like:

Option - 1

https://easyengine.io/docs/ <= a landing page, manually created using Gutenberg! ❤️🤘 https://easyengine.io/docs/commands/ <= auto-generated based on php docblocks https://easyengine.io/docs/handbook/ <= auto-generated based on markdown files here https://easyengine.io/docs/v3/ <= v3 docs will be moved here manually

docs itself will be a CPT in WordPress.

Option - 2

https://easyengine.io/docs/ <= a landing page, manually created using Gutenberg! ❤️🤘 https://easyengine.io/commands/ <= auto-generated based on php docblocks https://easyengine.io//handbook/ <= auto-generated based on markdown files here

v3 docs will live at a current place for now.

/docs/ will be a normal page /command/ and /handbook/ will be two CPTs in WordPress.

rahul286 commented 6 years ago

We are going with option-2 as it won't affect existing WP post/page