EasyEngine / docs

Documentation for EasyEngine
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Create step by step doc on how to install EasyEngine on mac #47

Open kirtangajjar opened 6 years ago

kirtangajjar commented 6 years ago

Seems like a good idea - https://community.easyengine.io/t/ee-v4-local-dev/11480

pserafini commented 6 years ago

yeah !

pserafini commented 6 years ago

Would be amazing to explain the the sync methodology between local and remote too ! That will be a fantastic resource for users.

jasperf commented 5 years ago

Yeah it would be. Working on setting up the same domain.test now and post nuking and starting I am having issues reaching the site. This howto should also mention not to use SSL as you are using localhost. That and some troubleshooting techniques.

githubr commented 5 years ago

Any progress on this? I just installed ee v4 on my local dev server and try to set up a site using local domain eg myproject.local and I got

Warning: Problem connecting to site! Warning: Initiating clean-up

kirtangajjar commented 5 years ago

@githubr Your issue seems unrelated to this one. I request you to open a thread in community forums about it. Also, it would be very helpful if you could re-run the command with --debug flag (i.e. ee site create myproject.local --debug) and paste it's entire output in the community thread.

kalinstanchev commented 8 months ago

Hello, any update on this? :)