EasyEngine / easyengine

Command-line control panel for Nginx Server to manage WordPress sites running on Nginx, PHP, MySQL, and Let's Encrypt
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wp multisite letsencrypt domain alias #803

Closed nordurljosahvida closed 6 years ago

nordurljosahvida commented 7 years ago

When running wp multisite with letsencrypt there's no way [that I've found] to have le add alias domains to the cert registration. I've found this unofficial solution [only one around - how can this be?]. It'd be nice to have a way to specify alias domain upon ee site create or to be able to add them with ee site update. Forgive me if this has already been mentioned before but I haven't found anything related.

Thank you


Version info:

Description: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS


EasyEngine v3.7.4


NGINX (1.10.0):

user www-data worker_processes auto worker_connections 4096 keepalive_timeout 30 fastcgi_read_timeout 300 client_max_body_size 100m allow

PHP (5.6.28-1):

expose_php Off memory_limit 128M post_max_size 100M upload_max_filesize 100M max_execution_time 300

Information about www.conf ping.path /ping pm.status_path /status process_manager ondemand pm.max_requests 500 pm.max_children 100 pm.start_servers 20 pm.min_spare_servers 10 pm.max_spare_servers 30 request_terminate_timeout 300 xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger off listen

Information about debug.conf ping.path /ping pm.status_path /status process_manager ondemand pm.max_requests 500 pm.max_children 100 pm.start_servers 20 pm.min_spare_servers 10 pm.max_spare_servers 30 request_terminate_timeout 300 xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger on listen

MySQL (10.1.19-MariaDB) on localhost:

port 3306 wait_timeout 600 interactive_timeout 28800 max_used_connections 3 datadir /var/lib/mysql/ socket /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock my.cnf [PATH] /etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf


PHP binary: /usr/bin/php5.6 PHP version: 5.6.28-1+deb.sury.org~xenial+1 php.ini used: /etc/php/5.6/cli/php.ini WP-CLI root dir: phar://wp-cli.phar WP-CLI packages dir: WP-CLI global config: WP-CLI project config: WP-CLI version: 0.24.1

NicoJuicy commented 7 years ago

Having the same issue. Only it's not really a multisite, but a site translated with WPML. WPML supports multiple domains ( one per language) and currently this can't be integrated into easyengine.

I manually configured nginx to support the other domain.

Perhaps something like

ee site update originalsite.nl --alias myrandomsite.fr

This changes nginx. But when executing

ee site update originalsite.nl --letsencrypt

It also sets a SSL certificate for the alias.

dtbaker commented 7 years ago

Just running into this as well.

I need a way to easily add new aliases to an existing site and have those new alises covered with letsencrypt.

Right now I'm going down the path of sharing htdocs between multiple sites intead of using alises, but would be nice to keep them all together.

rahul286 commented 6 years ago

We are handling this in a better way in v4.

You may check this PR #1005

Please use http://community.rtcamp.com/c/easyengine for future support questions.

puccaso commented 5 years ago

hello folks,

im using the digitialocean dns api from acme.sh.

ok so this is my current set up,

a.com >wp main site b.a.com > wp subdom site

i have a wildcard ssl setup for a.com and *.a.com

then, i forward b.com to b.a.com

i have tried both domain aliasing and challenging a second domain in acme.sh settings, but i just cannot get ssl validation to work correctly

if you goto b.a.com no SSL errors

if you goto b.com (which fowards to b.a.com) i get a domain mismatch error, or when i goto the cert info in url of a browser, i only see *.a.com and a.com as valid domains.

how do i make a cert for b.com also - and have that picked up when you goto the b.a.com wordpress multipress subdomain site.

any ideas?