EasyGiftRegistry / easy-gift-registry

Pattern Library
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Code Rubric #11

Open jiannanolan opened 4 years ago

jiannanolan commented 4 years ago
0 points 1 points 2 points 3 points
Teamwork No communication and no teamwork Some communication and poor teamwork Communication and good teamwork Great communication and effective teamwork
Pattern Library No pattern library Pattern library, basic and not descriptive Pattern library, well branded but not descriptive Pattern library, excellent brand and very descriptive
Commits Many spelling errors, not descriptive Some spelling errors, somewhat descriptive No spelling errors, not very descriptive No spelling errors, Very descriptive
Accessibility Not accessible Some attempt at accessibility Pretty accessible All accessibility has been considered and executed
Website Functionality Website is non-functional Some areas work but most are not linked Most areas are linked, a couple are not All areas are linked and the website is fully functional
Code quality Barely started Indentation is barely existent, lots of validation errors, very poor semantics Decent indentation, just a couple validation errors, decent semantics Well indented, valid, good semantics
Content All lorem ipsum Mostly fake content with some real content Most content is real but still some fake content All real content
MichaelaRob commented 4 years ago
0 points 1 points 2 points 3 points
Teamwork --- --- --- Great communication and effective teamwork
Pattern Library --- --- --- Pattern library, excellent brand and very descriptive
Commits --- --- No spelling errors, not very descriptive ---
Accessibility --- --- Pretty accessible ---
Code quality --- --- --- Well indented, valid, good semantics
Website Functionality --- --- Most areas are linked, a couple are not ---
Content --- --- --- All real content

Our team worked well together to accomplish this website. There were many areas that were challenging for us. This included the homepage scroller and linking certain areas of the website. As a team we did some effective problem solving and divided the work evenly. Our commits were not excellent but they were still good with adequate descriptions of what we were doing. Our website has accessible features such as tab index's, aria labels and skip links but there is always room for improvement such as the contrast in our colour palette since some of our images do not provide enough contrast for the add icons and the arrow. Our website is functional but there are some links which are not functional. These links are the edit features on the profile which were pushed to the side to prioritize other areas of the website. Overall, our website functions, has a cohesive colour palette and images which fit the categories of the website. All of our products have real and individualized information and descriptions. As a group we think that we deserve an A-.