EasyRPG / Player

RPG Maker 2000/2003 and EasyRPG games interpreter
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Automated frame by frame comparison of Player with RPG_RT #1474

Open fmatthew5876 opened 5 years ago

fmatthew5876 commented 5 years ago

The save data between RPG_RT and Player is supposed to be the same. We could construct an automated system to run both Player and RPG_RT in parallel. Each instance would send an LSD serialized full copy of its save data to a verifier every frame.

The verifier would compare the 2 save datas to ensure they are an exact match.

If we had this capability, we could quickly resolve the subtle timing bugs and get a nearly perfect emultion of RPG_RT behavior. The kind of bugs such a system could find may be nearly impossible to find by humans looking carefully.

I'm not sure if this is even possible. It sounds like a big project.

This setup would have 3 components all running at the same time. Player, RPG_RT, and a Verifier.

Some of the steps would include:

The Verifier could be built into Player. Features such as pausing on specific frames and advancing manually frame by frame are good general features to have.

The next step would be to script a playback of a game in both engines, and then use this framework to ensure they do everything identically.

fmatthew5876 commented 5 years ago

Another possible and much simpler implementation:

Write a DynRPG plugin (or equivalent) for RPG_RT. Every frame, this plugin will dump the save data and which keyboard keys (if any) were reacted to that frame.

Play a game in DynRPG with this plugin for a while and generate some data.

Load the playback capture data into Player. Each frame, replay keyboard events as in the capture. At the end of the frame, compare the save data with the capture's save data. Break and dump information if any differences.

CherryDT commented 5 years ago

Yes, however you need to take into account that the relevant part here would be "after main loop completed" (because that's when the save menu would normally be able to step in), and that's also when the frame counter is increased, which is not every actual redrawing frame because during things like transitions, screen updating and "wait for 1/60 second" is triggered within still the same iteration of the main loop.

EDIT: Also your idea will break because of the RNG as soon as you have random movement, encounters and such things.

CherryDT commented 5 years ago

Hm, there would be an advanced way to ensure sync: Use a simple reproducible RNG algorithm which you also implement in the RPG_RT patch for this so that you know that the two are in sync.

EDIT: Damn, no, it wouldn't work, because your code is probably different enough from RM's that you don't call the random function in the same order when evaluating the different values thoughout processing in each frame. Unless you go so far that you ensure that the random function returns the same values all the same as long as the frame is the same, but that may have undesired effects...

20kdc commented 5 years ago

Maybe just have all randomness return 0? Then it's order independent.

CherryDT commented 5 years ago

I'd rather have it return a different value per frame (but a consistent one), that would make it reasonable random for most cases to still ensure that some games could be tested properly...

fmatthew5876 commented 5 years ago

I was able to get a poor mans version of this working on linux. I'm running RPG_RT.exe using wine.

An event with this code:

Shake Screen: 9, 5, @1.0s
  Open Save Menu

And this bash script

 while inotifywait -e close_write "${FILE}"; do
         ${SOME_COMMAND} "${FILE}"

With this you can run a command on the save game file each time it changes.

Then just play the game and keep saving. With this I was easily able to collect timing data on the shake screen algorithm. I did it by printing with LCF_DEBUG_TRACE and greping for shake chunks.

With that, I was able to generate output like this:

SSAVE SEARCH -e shake                                                                                                                                                 
0x0b (size: 1, pos: 0x41): frame_count
0x1f (size: 1, pos: 0xed): shake_strength
0x20 (size: 1, pos: 0xf0): shake_speed
0x23 (size: 1, pos: 0xf3): shake_time_left
0x0b (size: 1, pos: 0x41): frame_count
0x1f (size: 1, pos: 0xed): shake_strength
0x20 (size: 1, pos: 0xf0): shake_speed
0x21 (size: 5, pos: 0xf3): shake_position
0x23 (size: 1, pos: 0xfa): shake_time_left
0x0b (size: 1, pos: 0x41): frame_count
0x1f (size: 1, pos: 0xed): shake_strength
0x20 (size: 1, pos: 0xf0): shake_speed
0x21 (size: 1, pos: 0xf3): shake_position
0x23 (size: 1, pos: 0xf6): shake_time_left

EDIT: You don't need wait commands at all. Every call to OpenSaveMenu advances by 1 frame. So with this trick you can get frame by frame snapshots of LSD data. It works for both Player and RPG_RT.

Ghabry commented 3 years ago

Linking to #2297