EasyRPG / Player

RPG Maker 2000/2003 and EasyRPG games interpreter
GNU General Public License v3.0
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3DS - Final Fantasy 0 crashes when playing a specific sound effect several times in a row #3112

Open Mimigris opened 9 months ago

Mimigris commented 9 months ago

Name of the game:

Final Fantasy 0.

Player platform:

New Nintendo 2DS XL, continuous build of the Player.

Attach files (as a .zip archive or link them)

ff0_ice1.zip This zip contains the sound effect in question, as well as a crash dump related to the issue. No need to play the game, you can just try to play several times in a row the sound effect on a new project while playing on 3DS.

Describe the issue in detail and how to reproduce it:

In the game Final Fantasy 0, when using Fork's Blizzard skill while in a battle on 3DS, the game will crash midway during the animation. The crash seems to occur due to the sound effect ice1, which is played several times during the animation: removing it will cause the crash to not occur. If the sound effect is taken to another game, it will properly play on 3DS, but calling it several times in a row will cause a crash. This could be a RAM issue.

Ghabry commented 9 months ago

This could be a real bug in our 3ds audio implementations (which is a custom solution because our normal generic audio code is too slow for the 3ds).

Don't think this is memory issue here because the same file will be cached