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Add a project timeline #83

Open carstene1ns opened 1 year ago

carstene1ns commented 1 year ago

Following the latest discussion on hacker news, there is an interest in how old this project is. We should add some history page with a timeline and explanatory texts about hitting specific goals and such.

Here are some assorted, simple examples on timelines: https://codepen.io/alvarotrigo/pen/ExwYygW https://codepen.io/mathiesjanssen/pen/ggeBKm https://codepen.io/alanhouser/pen/aErrQJ

I need some dates (or at least years) for this. Some not verified dates and ideas:

jetrotal commented 1 year ago

I like the last one... I can start something with the text you provided

jetrotal commented 1 year ago

@carstene1ns https://codepen.io/jetrotau/full/wvmpyjW

here an test I made to see how would it look

Ghabry commented 1 year ago

I joined IRC in August 2010 (not that this matters for the timeline) but when I joined Player 2 was able to show the title scene :D

What I found in a chatlog is this timestamp for the "import of Player 2 into the repository": Thu Oct 29 12:31:41 2009 UTC. A user called paulo_v imported the code written by vgvgf (was participated to Player 2 dev for many years).

Iirc Player 1 was programmed by fran and lobomon though the codebase slowly became unmaintanable so the solution was to throw everything away and try again ^^.